1. The Roller coaster (The Brothers)

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Was this normal? At first glance it seemed it was just two boys having fun. One planning something out on blueprints and the other drilling a giant metal rod into the ground. 


"Hi! Are you the new neighbor?" The redhead spoke after the taller one gestured to you. You walked over to the fence door and the (Dorito like) boy opened it for you. He just beamed up at you.

"Um, uh. I-I'm y/n," if his smile could get any wider it did.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Phineas, this is Ferb, and that's-" he started, motioning to himself and the other kid, who waved down at you. "Hey, where's Perry?"

"Perry?" you questioned him.

"Oh that's our pet platypus!"

"For a semi-aquatic, egg laying, mammal, he doesn't do much," the green haired ki- um Ferb was it? Added with a british accent and surprisingly intellectual speech.

"Oh! Like Ornithorhynchus anatinus? I've read about them, but I've never seen one in real life- I'm rambling, aren't I?"

"It's alright! Do you wanna help with our coaster?" Phineas responded.

"Um, s-sure, but what exactly is it?"

"The Coolest Coaster Ever!" he responded quickly with an indefinitely enthusiastic tone.

"Uh, a-alright! How can I help?" Wow, you were worse at socializing than you remember. He led you to some materials, which you surely had never heard the name of. He showed you how to nail them together, and in no time you got a hang of it. After finishing the pieces you handed them to Ferb to attach to the main frame. Sure, you questioned whether this was normal or not, but who knows. It's not like you were great at socializing.

"PHINEAS! WHAT IS THIS!?!" you heard a yell from the house.

"Do you like it?" Phineas answered from atop the coaster. Turning your head to the two, he was talking to another red head. She looked a bit older than the brothers (closer to your age) and seemed a lot more concerned about the situation at hand.

"Oh I am going to go tell mom and when she sees what you are doing, you are going down!" She said with a much more aggressive tone.

"DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN!" She yelled running across the backyard, not batting an eye at you. "D-O-W-N DOWN!" (you know that feeling when you write/say a word so many times it doesn't have feeling anymore)  

"We're gonna need a blowtorch and some more peanut butter," Phineas said unfazed. "Hey y/n, could you get some?"

"A blowtorch or some more peanut butter?" you asked.

"Both," he yelled back down. "You can get some from the kitchen,"

"Get the blowtorch or some more peanut butter from the kitchen?"

"Both," he replied once again.

Walking into the house from the slide door, you were ecstatic. Sure it was the house of some random ten-year olds, but it was the only other house you'd ever been in (excluding your past homes). There was a recliner next to a telephone and beyond that was the kitchen.

Looking through the cupboards, you grabbed a few jars of peanut butter. 'They must really like peanut butter around here' you thought to yourself. After scouring the drawers, you found a blowtorch at the very bottom of them.

Grabbing the items, you got back outside. A new girl with long raven-black hair, dressed in an utterly bright pink was talking to Phineas.

"Oh, I was going to go to the pool. You wanna go swimming?" She asked him. You could practically see the hearts in her eyes

Stuck - Perry the Platypus x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now