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3 months later

It's been months since we burn down the Sniper's building. After we did that we stayed at a hotel for a few weeks.

We had to drop out of high school because we didn't want to be investigated by the police. We knew it would be hard, but we had no other choice.

Emily got a modeling job and she has been in 4 national magazines so far.

Zachary and Theodore got a job as programmers. I have no idea how he got in but he got the job.

Then there's me, who has the most boring job in the world—working at a rich café at the seaside.

I hate the ugly ass boss, and the damn workers there hate me for some reason. I make 19 dollars an hour so a win is a win.

But besides that, we haven't received any threats so far and we all got an apartment together.

Theodore and Emily are dating now and I forgot to say.

Today's my birthday!

September 26th.

I walked inside the apartment, after an annoying 5 hour shift. I opened the door and it was dark.

I hate the dark, it reminds me of the first time being in the Sniper's building.

I turned the light on and screamed so loud it made an echo.

Zachary, Theodore, and Emily popped out of nowhere and screamed "Surprise."

Lord, I almost had a damn heart attack.

Emily, Theo, and Zach had birthday hats on. The living room was decorated, the balloons were hanging from the ceiling, and there were streamers everywhere.

They were all holding a banner saying 'Happy Birthday Loser!'

I squealed and ran to them, "Thank you so much flops!"

"Open my gift first," Theo smirked, handing me his gift.

"Absolutely not! She should get it from me first," Emily shouted, holding her gift.

Zachary folded his arms against his chest, "My gift is more special, so I really think I should go first,"

Theo hit the back of Zach's head, "No one wants to see your gift dumbass,"

"Oh please, who would want that gift for their birthday?" Zachary scoffs.

"At least his was thoughtful, but mine is a hundred times better in my opinion. What you picked out isn't a gift, it's like more of permission." Emily reminded him.

Before they could argue some more, I took Theo's gift and opened it.

"Haha, she opened my first," Theo chuckled.

"Haha, she opened my first," Zachary and Emily mimicked.

It was a sunflower ring. It was so cute, oh my gosh.

"Thank you so much, Theo!" I ran to him and gave him a tight hug.

I felt a grip on my shoulder and saw Zachary pulling me back, "Okay here comes the best gift,"

Emily pushed him out of the way and handed me a bag. I look inside and gasped.

There were 4 big packs of gum, jolly ranchers, lollipops, and small sour patches bags.

"It was so hard to find a gift for you because you already have the best gift," she pointed to herself.

I gave her a hug and kissed her cheek.

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