Chapter 2: Angelo

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I lay in my bed, after lying to Zachie about how I found somewhere else to stay. He insisted that I could take the guest bedroom in his house but I saved him some trouble and lied to him.

I rolled over on my bed, and checked the time, 7:30 pm, still with nothing to do. I mean I could paint some more butterflies. I love butterflies so much, I remember when my brother and I use to go outside and chase the butterflies that swarmed around our front porch.

That one specific butterfly, the teal butterfly that followed me, everywhere, every summer. I have butterfly posters, butterfly claw clips, a butterfly phone case,  butterfly sweaters, and even matching butterfly sunglasses.

I heard the thunder rumble loudly as I opened the curtain next to my pillows. It's a good day to go out and play in the rain, but I don't want to get in trouble. Speaking of not getting in trouble, I have homework. I'll just do it later.

I crossed my legs together and watched outside. The rain poured on the streets and ground, and I watched the gray and gloomy sky. Watching the rain is so peaceful, it is one of my favorite things to do. I usually watch a movie, read a book, or cry. Mostly cry.

But I don't want to cry, I just want to enjoy this peace before it ended. I raised my shirt and touch the scar on my stomach then quickly put it down when I hear footsteps by my door.

Calm down, say nothing, avoid eye contact the best you can, and make any believable lie.

The door violently opens and I turn around looking at the floor, seeing my father's boots.

"Listen to me darling, your cousin is coming over, make sure you clean the dishes and make food," he demanded me.

I nodded my head, and he throws something at my head.

"Say something!" he shouted at me as I sniffled.

"I understand Dad," I mumbled.

He scoffed as he banged on my door, "What did I say about calling me that? It's sir, and come get your brother!" he spat.

"Yes sir," I smiled weakly as I got off my bed and walked through the door, almost tripping because my dad pushed me.

I go downstairs and see my brother Carlo, his curly brown hair is a little messy, and he looks a little tired.

"Hi Calo mio dolce fratello" I sweetly told him walking towards him.                                                             (Hi my sweet brother)

He grins and he gets off the couch holding a paper he is hiding behind his back.

"Look what I made you!" he giggles as he shows me a drawing of me and him.

I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you so much! I can't believe my 4-year-old brother is so talented!" I responded.

I walk over to the kitchen and see the stack of dishes.

"Daddy hit me earlier, and now I have a boo boo," he frowned, pulling up his sleeve.

I rushed over to him and see the small fresh bruise on his arm. I touch his arm and exhaled sharply.

"I'm so sorry Bello that I wasn't here to help you," I sniffled as I kissed his bruise.

I walk over to the dishes again and started to wash them as I had some conversations with Carlo.


I finished making Alfredo pasta and washing the dishes. I sighed in relief that I was finally finished.

Just then my phone dinged and I checked it quickly.

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