Chapter 23: Will we work?

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3 weeks later

Days have been getting easier. I have no more tears to cry. That's when I know, that something inside me is completely broken.

Everybody left me alone as I asked, and I have been staying in a hotel for a while. I'm currently driving to the beach since it is my favorite place.
I sit in the sand, looking at the ocean, and the waves crashing together. Hearing family members having fun together, teenagers having the best time of their life.

Something I never had, something I will never have.

Friend groups jumping in the water, couples taking pictures, people playing beach volleyball, and jock boys splashing girls.

Then there's me, alone, in my swimsuit looking at things I wished I could have.

I get up taking all my stuff and walk to my car. I see an envelope that I hadn't seen before.

Did they track me down, am I going to die, will they kidnap me, is this a warning?!

I grab the envelope and open it. It was a letter, from Aurelia.

How does Aurelia know where I am?

Dear Maybellen

How are doing, hopefully, you're attending high school like you wanted. Honestly, I missed you, it's kind of lonely over here when all the other girls are older and rude. Diego is the Mafia now and your mom has her own room here in the sniper's building. Diego is trying to figure out who killed your friends, as he had no information before. Everybody kinda misses your company, Henry has still been kind of a dickhead.

And you won't believe what happen, someone went inside Diego's office and painted the entire office pink! It was so hilarious when we figured out who did it omg. I haven't seen the guy since. I also went into the training room, and Diego turned it into something so freaking cool. I mean I don't like him at all, but he is making this place better. He also made an area for the girls to hang out in when there's a break-in so we can stay safe and calm.

Diego also created a rage room, that Zachary, of course, goes into a lottt of times. And Zach avoids Diego all the time. They're almost like enemies now.

Speaking of Zachary, ever since he got out of the hospital, he has not been himself. He mostly stays in the room, and only comes out for training, or when Diego has to speak to him. He always locks his door and every time I see him, he looks so unhappy and exhausted. He's always wearing hoodies, and his hair is not how it always is. I try to be there for him, but he just doesn't want my help.

The only time he let me speak to him was the day after he left the hospital. When I went inside his room, he still had your pictures up, and the pictures you guys took at the beach. He even had all the plushies I think you brought on the bed.

Henry was saying that the other night he was crying, and everyone is trying his best to make him happy, but nothing was working.

Honestly Maybell, you were his happiness, and now since you gone, there's no more left.

I wrote this note specifically to tell you the reason why Zach did this to you.

He wanted to keep you safe. I know that is confusing to understand, but sometimes you have to be selfish to keep your loved ones safe. Even though he could've done it differently, imagine how he feels every time you're in danger, every time he is told you're going to die if he doesn't do a certain thing. It's terrifying.

He never meant what he said, he did it to protect you. But he is starting to realize his mistakes, and he wants you back.

I know it's hard to understand, and I get it.

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