65 - My Cock's Long

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C H A P T E R    S I X T Y - F I V E

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C H A P T E R    S I X T Y - F I V E

tw // this chapter is kinda long! I'll insert a scrolling break in between <3

writing these titles are killing me ☠️

A s t r a *.✧

First day of senior year.

It's terrifying how fast time flies by.

A bit too fast. I slept through my alarm and so did Finley – Mother and Brad, as usual, didn't notice or care. It was like we were fending for ourselves; I was almost certain that if they left us alone for the rest of our lives we'd manage perfectly.

Clearly not today.

Finley managed to change himself as did I, and the two of us were out of the house soon after. I gave him a cereal bar for breakfast, biting my lip to suppress my own growling stomach. We arrived at the elementary school which was empty as the last of the teachers disappeared inside of a door.

I was about to wave goodbye and send him on his way when there was a sudden, "Hi guys!" from behind me.

I spun around wildly, confused.

"Up here!"

I looked up to see Natalia swinging her legs on the high brick wall that bordered the elementary school. A gargled scream formed in my throat. My eyes flicked to the overarching tree next to it which she probably used to get up there judging by the fact that a few odd branches lay cracked and broken on the floor at its trunk.

"That's dangerous!'' I exclaimed pointlessly, knowing she wouldn't listen to me no matter what I tried to say. Finley ran next to the tree and I let out a strangled yelp, slapping away his outstretched hand. "You're not allowed!"

He frowned. "Aww."

"It's okay Finny, I'll come down!" She cracked her knuckles and her neck. "Asee, catch me!" She suddenly yelled.

"What-" I didn't even have time to speak as she leaped off it and I just about managed to grab her when she fell. Except since I wasn't really prepared, I also fell back and my head slammed into the pavement – but at least I caught her.

"Crap..." I groaned, reaching a hand up to touch my head.

There was a gasp and a shuffling as the two kids both ran over to me. "I'm so so so sorry, I promise! Are you okay? Can you still have babies?"

I chuckled but instantly regretted it as the sharp pain shot throughout my head. "I hit my head, not my uterus. Go to school." I sat up as someone passed by who stared at me weirdly. My cheeks heated up and I pushed my hair in front of my face and looked down at the ground. Which I was on.

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