30 - Naughty Girl ;)

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A/N if you don't watch the above video chiron and mrs dodds will partner up to tear your heart out and chuck it into Tartarus

A s t r a *.✧

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, pushing the other parts of my hair in front of my face to hide my bruises. "So, you're definitely sure we're not going to get in trouble?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Nope," she saw my horrified look and added on. "Nothing in life is guaranteed. I could just drop dead right now, you never know." She raised a hand to her forehead as if to mimic someone fainting.

I'd only hung out with Leila for a few days, but her humour and instant charm had made it hard to not like her. She was basically the only person who spoke to me, and it felt nice to not feel all alone for once, drowning in my own thoughts. We were currently walking around the school hallways with no clear destination in mind.

"Please don't." We both laughed.

We approached our lockers and I slumped down, sighing. My back ached, a sharp stinging spreading throughout as it met with the lockers. "God, I'm so tired," I muttered to myself. I hadn't had much sleep last night because of... Well, you can guess. The epic beatings I'd received on Saturday and Sunday had drained all of the energy out of me and I still felt the effects days later.

Leila came and sat down next to me, taking out her phone. "Y'know, you're such a worrywart. We haven't even left school premises and we're not technically bunking... ish."

I gasped and raised a hand to my heart. "I am not a worrywart!" Why was everyone accusing me of being so many things lately? Even Shane had said on Friday I'm always frowning and scowling. I'm not. Am I?

My sleeve fell down a little as I moved my arm, so I quickly tugged it back up and tied a hair bobble over it to stop it from falling again. It was a newfound method that proved to be extremely effective.

"Prove it," she teased. "Look, there's a bio class in front of us. Ask the teacher a dumb question and then run."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I flashed her a smile and stood up, biting my lip at the pain, and threw my bag into her lap. She took out her phone, finger lingering over the video record button.

But before I could take another step towards the class, a girl was walked out by a teacher, her face bright red while the rest of the class screamed in either excitement or fear behind her. The door shut as the teacher disappeared back inside and the girl stuffed a small towel she was holding in her hand into her pocket. I watched her for a bit longer. I think we went to the same middle school.

"Oh, hey Georgia." Leila stood up behind me and pushed her phone into her pocket.

"Hey Leila," she smiled. "Don't even ask what just happened in there."

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