50 - Put It In There ;)

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C H A P T E R    F IF T Y

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C H A P T E R    F IF T Y

A s t r a *.✧

Me: wdym two boys had a fight over me??

She took a few minutes to respond

Leila: idk but at the soccer match Kyrie was rlly annoyed that Shane wasnt talking to him as much as before and he blamed u 💀

Me: srsly??

Leila: yh he shoved him and everything and Shane was tryna explain but Kyrie wasn't having any of that

I didn't even know how to respond.

Leila: I know why this is happening

Me:... Why?


I groaned out loud at her immaturity. There was another notification from the group chat I'd been added into for no reason.




Me: pee

For the record, I couldn't think of anything that rhymed with tree. Shane sent two laughing emojis and Leila sent another GIF of someone saying 'you are very dirty minded'.

An argument or whatever happened on the group chat and I left them to it. Now all I had to do was plan Finley's birthday. So I sighed, made myself a steaming hot cup of tea, and got to work.


"Shane." I frowned. "You came."

Nobody ever came. Nobody ever kept promises. So why was this boy the first, and what was he up to? Although I'd been expecting him, I was still... surprised.

"Of course I did," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck the way he did when he felt awkward.

My eyes searched around him in the darkness. It was 8pm, as evident by the night behind him, and he was wearing a loose beige sweater over a collared shirt. In his hand he held a shiny dark blue gift bag and a second plastic bag in the same hand.

"You didn't have to get anything," I mumbled.

He rolled his eyes. "Shut up." I rolled mine back to emphasise his effect and mock him.

"Well... you can like, come in, I guess?" I pushed the door open wider.

A car beeped its horn behind him as it drove off and there was a loud, girly squeal. Natalia sprinted past me as fast as the flash or something and straight into the arms of Finley who had just appeared in the hallway. They both squealed at the sight of each other, small faces lighting up in joy. She hit him with such speed that they both fell to the floor, still clutching each other like if they let go the world would end.

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