31 - It's Dripping Everywhere ;)

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C H A P T E R    T H I R T Y - O N E

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C H A P T E R    T H I R T Y - O N E

S h a n e ༶ 。

"I didn't mean to hit you with the fucking ball! It was a mistake!"

"Yeah? That's what your mom said when she gave birth to you-" I was cut off as his fist smacked into my jaw.

Coach was immediately by our side, holding Dusty back. I sat up and just sighed, running my finger along where it would probably be bruising from. I winced at the sharp sting of it when my finger made contact with the impacted area.

Coach shot me a warning look and I stepped back, raising my hands in innocence as I walked into the changing rooms. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, pulling my shirt off to stuff it into my bag. I grimaced as I looked down at myself, quickly changing into my grey sweats.

I had slung my bag behind my back and was about to leave when Coach walked in.

"Look, Shane-"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine!" I exclaimed, turning around. I knew what the conversation was going to be about before it had even started, and it was not one I was willing to engage in. "I'm not dead. I can take a punch, especially from him."

He sighed. "Where are you going?"

"Home. Practice is nearly over and it was optional anyways. I have revision to get on with." I put a hand up in the air as a goodbye gesture. "Thanks for the concern. I appreciate it. Give my love to the family and Bertha."

He chuckled and shook his head, before raising a hand to wave goodbye too. I walked out of the door and drove home, my arms tense and my breathing heavy.

I kicked my stuff behind a bush on the side of my house before starting my run. I had no energy for a run-in with anyone. If Father was home, he'd most definitely beat my butt for sure, Mother was still emotionally absent but trying not to show it (which she was failing epicly at, by the way), and Vince was probably out with his friends trying to get his old life back.

What a great family, I know.

I glanced at my watch and decided to run past the elementary school in case I'd get a chance to say hi to Finley. He had basketball club on Wednesdays and I could usually get in a quick hello before Astra arrived. I let the tranquillity of nature soothe and drown the chaotic mess I had formed yet again in my mind.

It was mid-spring and while the days were still cold, there was the faint tinge of summer just around the corner. Birds were chirping, the wind was softly blowing, ruffling leaves, and colour was starting to paint the world once again.

Summer > Winter.

I narrowed my eyes as I approached the school and slowed down. Astra was crouched on her knees on the floor, intently listening to Finley who seemed to be explaining something with a lot of hand and head movements.

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