34 ~Uyi

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“Things are not adding up in my head Chima. What does Uyi have to do with all these? You’re not making any sense.” I rushed out. The more he spoke, the more confused I got.

He parked the car at the side of the road.

“I don’t have the time to wait at the side of the road to talk, keep driving.” I checked the time on the dashboard. I was running late and my dad was waiting for me in a meeting.

“I need just five minutes, please.” Chima pleaded.

“Start talking.”

“Francesca and I have been friends since college, she was the first college friend I ever had. Then afterward we met Deji, Dele, Nonso and Chioma. We were a very close friend group. In my third year I met Uyi and we didn’t date until after graduation. Our relationship lasted for close to four years. Uyi and I’s relationship was all sorts of messed up and twisted. It was toxic and our breakup was hard on me. Our relationship caused a rift between me and Francesca. Remember I said we met each other first and were the closest. That rift was there even after Uyi and I broke up. Apart from last night, the last time I saw Francesca was four years ago. We still spoke on the phone but that was it, she avoided meeting me physically and after months of trying, I gave up.

Last night I confronted her about it and she told me she was in love with me. I knew it was more than that. Knowing Uyi, she threatened Francesca to stay away from me. Now that I think about it, it makes sense. Uyi wasn’t the best of friends with Francesca and I never really thought much about it until last night.” He rushed out.

“So you’re saying that Francesca cut you off because of Uyi and also because she’s in love with you?” I asked to clarify.

He nodded. “Yes, that’s what I’m saying.”

“And you didn’t kiss her back last night?”

“I swear it.” He reached for my hand and I let him hold it.

“Did or do you have feelings for her?” I mustered the courage to ask while avoiding his gaze.

I felt his fingers on my chin and he moved my head so I could look at him. “I never saw her as anything more than a very close friend. People may tell you otherwise but I promise you, she was nothing more than a very close friend to me.”

I chose to believe his words, I chose to trust him because all good relationships are built on trust.

“Okay.” I gave in.

“I’m really sorry, Chidinma, I never meant to hurt you.” He apologized.

“I know.” I looked away, letting his hand hang in the air. “Now can we move? I’m already late as it is.”

I didn’t have the time for all the mushy talk that was to come, not at that moment. I woke up this morning to a notification of an important meeting. My dad had called me twice this morning just because of it.

“Okay.” He changed the gear and joined the busy road. When we got to my office building, I hurriedly undid my seat belt and before I got down from the car, I pressed my lips to Chima’s.

He wasn’t expecting it with the way he froze up. When I pulled away and was about to open the door, he held my face back and kissed me again. His lips moved with mine with so much urgency that I was almost out of breath.

“I’m not upset with you Chima, at least not anymore. It’s just that right now, my brain doesn’t have the time to process it all at once.” I confessed so his mind could be at rest.

“Okay.” He slowly tucked the lose strands of my hair behind my ear, his eyes following the movement before he fixed his gaze on me, our eyes meeting. “What’s the meeting about?”

“I have no idea but I think it’s about a new business partner. Also I think today is my first day working as the Vice.” I said with a low chuckle.

“You’re nervous.” He pointed out.

“I am.” I admitted.

“And last night must have added more to the pressure. I’m really sorry.” His voice was so calm and soothing that it threatened to melt my insides.

“Stop apologizing.” I held his face and leaned in to peck his lips. “I have to go now. We’ll talk later okay?”

“Today is going to be a busy day for me too so I apologize in advance if you’ll be unable to reach me. Just know that I’ll be coming to pick you up today. When you’re done for the day, just beep me or send a text and I’ll come to you.” His thumb lightly brushed my cheek. That single action sent sparks and a good sensation through my body.

“Okay. Bye.” I let go of him and gracefully climbed down from the car. I picked my laptop bag from the back seat before heading into the building.

My tardiness that morning was unlike me and I knew the scolding that was going to come from my father afterward. I headed straight for the conference room and luckily I met Helen at the entrance.

Her entire body seemed to relax at the sight of me “Good morning ma.” She greeted, reaching for my bags.

“Good morning Helen, I hope I haven’t missed much.” I let her take my handbag after I took out my phone from it.

“Not really, they started about ten minutes ago. However, your father doesn’t seem pleased this morning.” She informed and I was grateful for the heads-up.

“Okay.” I adjusted my clothes.

“Your regular coffee?” She asked.

“Yes please, thank you.” I smiled before pushing open the door to the conference room.

All heads turned to me as I stepped in but that didn’t deter me from walking in with my head held high. I took my seat beside my dad and muttered an apology to him as I settled in.

He gave me a look that told me that he wasn’t happy with me and I smiled in apology. I guess my hate for tardiness was gotten from him. He detested it and phrases like “African time,” got his blood boiling.

I wasn’t able to focus on the ongoing presentation until Helen had gotten back with my cup of coffee and I’d taken a much needed sip of it.

I wasn’t able to focus on the ongoing presentation until Helen had gotten back with my cup of coffee and I’d taken a much needed sip of it

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I apologize for going MIA again. Life hasn't been the easiest lately.

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