4 ~ adulting

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I couldn’t move from my spot until his car was moving

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I couldn’t move from my spot until his car was moving. I was sure I had seen that man before, his eyes were familiar and then his body: his broad chest that caused a slight discomfort to his crisp white dress shirt and suit jacket. I was positive I had seen him before, when and where was the question.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and got into my car. If I was meant to see the stranger again, I would. I drove behind his car until he took a left turn and I journeyed straight ahead. I was already exhausted for the day and decided to return home.

With the warmth of the house came the bickering of my step-sisters. I could hear my father and Rosaline’s voices in the background too. I wished to run up the stairs and ignore all of them but it was impossible because my father had heard me closing the door.

“Em, is that you?” He asked, his voice coming from the living room.

“Yeah,” I walked into the living room.

The TV was on but obviously muted. Jemima and Julia sat on the loveseat while Dad and Rosaline sat on the couch facing the TV.

“Good evening step-family, dad.” I greeted.

“Please sit, we’re talking about something –oh, did you get your hair done? It’s nice.” His eyes lit up at his last words.

I touched my lighter tips. “I did. Thanks.” I grinned and dragged myself to the arm chair beside Rosaline. I plopped down on the soft leather. “What’s up?”

“There’s a birthday party tomorrow. A business partner’s wife’s birthday. And it’s not just her birthday party, it’s also her retirement party.”

“Don’t tell me it’s a masked ball.” I joked and dad chuckled.

“It’s not, which is why we should be of the best behavior tomorrow.”

I scoffed. “Firstly dad, I’m not a child anymore, I’m almost twenty three.”

Julia grunted at my words but I ignored her.

“Second, is it completely necessary that I have to go?” I continued. I knew what it took to step up as the next CEO but the introvert in me would rather skip all the social gatherings.

“It will look good for you. The celebrant is the wife of a very important business partner and one of the many ways to get in his good books is through his wife.” Dad explained.

I sighed in defeat. It was time to put on my big girl panties. “Alright.”

“I’ll send someone tomorrow afternoon with dresses and to get you all prepped.” Dad got up from his seat and when I noticed he was walking toward me, I got up to and met him halfway. He pulled me to a hug and kissed my forehead before walking out of the living room.

I left Rose and her daughter’s and went upstairs. After a shower I changed into sweats and a tank top before heading downstairs. Everyone was seated at the dining table so I had no choice than to sit with them. I took the seat beside Rosaline which was opposite Jemima.

Unmistakable: A Cinderella RetellingWhere stories live. Discover now