epilogue ~ prince charming

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On your list of things to not do before an event, drinking should be among the top five

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On your list of things to not do before an event, drinking should be among the top five. I assure you that you will live to regret it. If you asked what was my reason for drinking I would tell you I needed to be calm. Controversial, I know.

I had two hours to get ready for the annual CEO’s ball yet I still took sips of alcohol.  It would be a disaster if Chima found me like this.

“Your phone is ringing.” Helen stated, pointing to the phone on the floor by my leg.

I looked at the screen and quickly readjusted myself, clearing my throat so it didn’t sound like I was drowning in liquor.

“Hey baby.” I greeted, my vice betraying me and sounding squeaky.

“Hey love, how are you?” I could tell he was driving from how his voice sounded.

I hiccupped and quickly covered my mouth with my hand but unfortunately for me he heard it.

“Are you okay?” He asked, concerned.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” I nodded though he couldn’t see me.

“Have you started getting ready?”

I knew that was the reason for his call. He never failed to call me hours before a big event I had to attend. One would think that after a year of dating, he would stop but he never did.

“Yeah,” I lied, “I just got out of the shower.”

From the corner of my eye, I saw Helen lift her head up in surprise at the lie. Her eyes widened in shock but I ignored her.

“Okay, I’m going to head home to change and I should be at yours in forty-five minutes or an hour tops.” He informed.

“Okay, I should be ready by then.” I got up from the floor and sat on the couch behind me. “See you soon.” I hung up, not waiting to hear a response from him.

“I have thirty minutes to get ready.” I sprinted upstairs to my room. My shirt was off before I got into the room. I flung my clothes to places I couldn’t recall and hurried into the shower.

I didn’t have the time to scrub as religiously as I often did so I hurried my routine. When I was out of the shower, Helen was in my room helping me set up the items I would need to get ready.

Over the past year, Helen and I had grown close and our relationship had gone beyond employee-employer relationship.   She was my first female friend in Nigeria.

She helped me get ready and we were almost done when I heard my front door open and shortly after Chima was inside my room.

“The empty cups in the living room already told me what I’d missed.” He said while walking into the room.

Helen was about to leave but he called her name.

“Aren’t you getting dressed?” He asked.

“I thought it was for just CEO’s?” Helen questioned, obviously confused

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