45 ~ coffee

27 11 2

I woke up early and while in Chima’s arms, I got lost in my own thoughts

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I woke up early and while in Chima’s arms, I got lost in my own thoughts. Every moment of the past two days kept playing on repeat in my head and with it came the emotions I felt in those moments.

I rolled out of bed and decided to go for a walk and maybe get some coffee in any nearby café on my way back. I made sure my phone battery was over fifty percent before leaving in case I got lost. I felt bad for leaving Chima especially while he was still asleep but I needed to do this.

Businesses were just opening so I had a lot to feed my eyes with. There was a park close by so I sat on a bench and watched life around me. It was refreshing to just watch and observe especially after doing so much of working myself.

After a while of sitting, I got up and continued walking. I spotted a bookstore and strolled in. I took my time looking at different books in different genres and sections. Because of the limited amount of cash on me, I picked just two fiction books.

I easily found my way back, maybe because I was extra attentive from the very beginning. I walked into the coffee shop closest to the hotel. I ordered for both myself and Chima.

The view from inside the shop was beautiful so I decided to sit and enjoy it for a few moments. I opened one of the books I’d bought which was fiction.

“Can I sit here?” A somewhat familiar voice asked and I looked up.

I squinted my eyes first, trying to figure out where I’d seen that face before. I was sure I’d seen her before.

“Emily?” Her eyes widened.

“We’ve met before right?” I chuckled nervously.

“Yes. Uyi.” She smiled, settling herself on the seat opposite me.

The first Uyi that came to my mind was Chima’s ex but then I quickly remembered that I’d met another Uyi two days ago.

“Uyi, we meet again.” I smiled, letting go of my fears.

“I knew we will.” She looked at the book I was holding. “What are you reading?”

“This book,” I showed the front page to her and she nodded. She looked around us as if waiting for someone. “You’re here alone?”

“Yeah.” I closed the book and gently placed it on the table.

“Shame, I was hoping to get to see Chima again.” The smile on her face was so genuine and I nearly got so lost in it that I almost missed what she’d said.

It felt like an ice cold bucket of water was poured on me when my brain processed what was going on. I sat back, my mood changing so fast.

“I was really hoping that you were some other Uyi.” I shook my head.

“I’m actually hurt that you didn’t know who I was. I thought you’d have seen pictures of me by now.” She rolled her eyes.

“Anyways, how’s your head now?” the look on her face was so sympathetic that a third party would believe she was genuine.

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