22 ~ hurt

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It hurt to see him walk away but I needed to stand firm on my words. My lips said one thing but my heart said the opposite. It was a war between my emotions and logic.

I was away from work because I’d fallen sick and needed time to get myself back. I called in sick for work and as expected, my father called to check up on me but I never responded. I asked mum to speak to him on my behalf, because she was the only one I’d spoken to since the day after my birthday.

All I wanted was to get myself back with proper rest and good food. Yes I was excited to see him and my heart did a flip when I opened my front door and found him there, but I was still mad at him. It was not the time for my feelings to override common sense.

After I heard the front door close, I sat on a kitchen stool to catch my breath. I placed my hand on the counter top to steady myself as I took in deep breaths and slowly let them out. My heart was racing like it’d just ran a marathon and that was the only way I knew to calm down. After a few deep breaths my heart still raced but this time it didn’t feel like I was going to turn to a puddle any second.

When I was sure I was okay to walk, I got up, heading to the dining. The bags of food were still on the table so I began to offload everything. I was amazed at how much he bought and the thought of it made my heart flutter. I stored the snacks in the pantry and the perishable food in the fridge and freezer.

When I was done with baking for the day, I ate to my satisfaction before getting into the bath tub to relax. While in there, I replayed his visit over and over again, my mind trying to come up different scenarios to choices I could have made differently. Like not sending Irvin away or welcoming him with a smile on my face and a kiss to his cheek. That was sure to shock him.

The cold temperature of the bath tub water shocked me back to reality so I drained the tub, rinsed off, changed into my pajamas and got into bed. I first checked my work mails to be sure I didn’t have any work that needed to be done urgently and when I was sure the coast was clear, I started my research on restaurants around that would be perfect for a date. I wasn’t sure of what I was doing when I started searching but when I found the perfect restaurant, I knew what I wanted.

I made reservations for two under my name for Friday night and when I was done, I sent him a message.

Friday. 6:30 pm
The Lagoon Restaurant, Fusion Restaurant.

When I clicked send, I watched the one tick turn to two then blue and I went offline, placing my phone on my night stand. I couldn’t bear to see his response for fear of what it would be.

I was flipping the table and doing the asking out after his several attempts to do so and me rejecting him. I feared he would reject me just to get back at me. Or he would want to feel manly and reject me just to get to be the one to do the asking. Men could be unpredictable.

I willed my mind and imaginations to close shop for the night but it definitely wasn’t listening to me, choosing to have a will of its own. It began to play different ways Friday night would go, assuming he said yes to the date. It could end badly or it could be one of the best nights for both of us. I wasn’t sure my intentions for going on this date with him but one thing was sure, we needed to sit and have a chat.

After hundred scenarios on play in my mind, I decided to do something more productive, which was pick out an outfit Friday night. If he accepted, it was going to be our first date and I didn’t want to mess things up.

I switched on my closet lights, but squeezed my eyes shut immediately as the bright light flooded my vision. I slowly opened my eyes and waited for them to adjust to the bright lights before walking deeper into the closet. After about thirty minutes of no luck whatsoever I decided to call for help. I video called my best friend, Joan.

“Look who remembers my existence,” she said in greeting and I rolled my eyes.

Before I could respond she gasped, interrupting me. “Did you just roll your eyes at me young lady?” She said in that ‘mom’ tone.

I rolled my eyes again for dramatic effect earning a laugh from her.

“I didn’t forget your existence, I’ve just been–”

“Busy with work and the time difference isn’t funny.” She cut in, taking the words right out of my mouth.

“Thank you for understanding.” I smiled.

‘Of course, if I don’t understand, who will? Besides, I’m also in your shoes, with my new job and all. Anyways, are you in your closet?”

I pressed my lips together and slowly nodded. “Yep. I need your help.”

She grinned and closed her laptop, then picked up the phone so she could getter a better view of her phone screen. “What is going on? Does it have to do with prince charming?” She wiggled her brows suggestively.

I suppressed my urge to shudder at the nickname, Irvin was no prince charming, “He is not prince charming.” I rolled my eyes.

“But he is!” She chuckled. “The way you guys met, and everything else that has happened–”

This time it was my turn to cut in. “Please and please, that wasn’t why I called. I need your help to find me a dress to wear.”

“You agreed to go on a date with him?” Her eyes went wide with shock.

“Well…” I dragged the word, looking away from my phone screen. “I asked him on a date. I don’t know if he has said yes yet and I don’t want to know until maybe tomorrow but I can’t sleep and I likely won’t until I at least find a dress to wear.” I said in one breath and took a deep breath when I was done.

She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts. “Wait you asked him on a date and you’re don’t know his response yet?”

I nodded, anxiously biting my bottom lip.

“Well, he’ll be a fool to not say yes. Let’s see what you have in your closet.”

I showed her my top choices and other outfits I thought were an okay choice and almost thirty minutes after, we’d finally settled on a dress with the right shoe to go with it and jewelry. We talked more after and when I locked my phone screen and set it on my night stand, I closed my eyes and could finally go to sleep.

 We talked more after and when I locked my phone screen and set it on my night stand, I closed my eyes and could finally go to sleep

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Hello everyone, how are you all doing? I'm so sorry for the long wait. My exams are finally over so I have the time to write now. The update schedule returns to default, which is Monday's and Thursday's.

What do you think Irvin's response to the date will be?

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