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Irvin's POV

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Irvin's POV

Once again, Emily surprised me. As I watched her go on and on about how Zeus worked, I felt blood rush to my groin and it took every ounce of my self-control to not claim her lips. I knew that would make her grow red with anger, or maybe she would kiss me back. I couldn't say because she was giving me mixed signals. One moment she was flirting back and looking at me like she was ready to fall into my arms and the next she was telling me to fuck off.

She was pissed off with the workers and constantly yelling at them to do the right thing. When she was done with the tour and explanations, I found myself nodding.

"When will it be ready for use?" I asked, my hands going into my pants pockets.

"By the end of the week." She looked at me, her eyes meeting mine.

I didn't look away. "Okay. Let me know when you have it ready."

She nodded. I turned around and walked out of the storage room. The sound of her heels echoed throughout the house as she followed closely behind me.

I stopped walking and turned around to face her. She crashed into me but I was quick to hold her waist so she wouldn't fall.

"I apologize, I didn't realize you were that close." I whispered.

"It's fine." She peered up at me, her eyes blinking rather quickly.

I slowly let go of her and took a step backward. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me." I said, not giving it too much thought. Thinking too much about it would make me chicken out before the words would leave my lips.

"Go out with you?" She questioned, her brows knitting together in confusion.

"Yes, like a date." I clarified.

Her eyes scanned the living room we were in before she turned back to me and took my hand. Before I could question her intentions, she dragged me with her and out of the building.

"Your car keys." She said, her pace not slowing down and her hand still gripping my wrist tightly.

I took it out of my pants pocket and with one click on the remote control, the doors unlocked.

"Get in," she ordered and let go of my wrist.

I watched her get into the passenger's seat and before I could think about how her ordering me around was such a turn on, I followed suit and got into the driver's seat. I turned on the engine and switched on the air conditioning.

"Why did you drag me out like there was a fire emergency?" I inquired, slowly studying her.

Her hair was scattered across her shoulders and back, a few stray strands plastered on her forehead because of her sweat. She shifted her gaze to me, our gazes locking again. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips and my eyes followed the motion. I didn't try to stop myself.

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