19 ~ apologize

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I was dead meat but I had to act cool, at least in front of anyone that wasn’t Emily. It wasn’t my intention to ghost her for three months but as the days rolled by and I finally had the time to call her, fear creped in. Fear that she would be so angry with me and not want to talk to me anymore.

I spent every waking day thinking about her, missing her. Her smile, her scent, her laugh, her voice, everything about her. In all that, my mind came up with scenarios of what her reaction would be like. Most of them weren’t pretty. 

As I stared into her eyes, I knew that my imagination wasn’t wrong about anything. I was in deep shit and it would take an intervention from heaven to save me from her wrath.

She looked around the newly furnished room, the room that was built for her. When I heard she was looking for an apartment, I made a few calls and with the help of her father, we had everything set just in time. Her eyes met mine again and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

“Nice to see you alive and well, Irvin,” she smiled, an obviously fake one.

“Emily, I can explain.” I rushed out. “Please.”

“Explain what?” Her smile got wider. “You don’t owe me any explanations.”

My brows squeezed together, a mix of confusion and fear settling in the pit of my stomach. “Emily-”

“Irvin,” she touched my arm. “You don’t owe me any explanations. I understand. You’ve been busy, we’ve all been busy.”

Before she could pull her hand away from my skin, I held it and slowly intertwined our fingers. I tugged her closer to me, my second hand settling on her waist.

“I’m sorry, Em.” I whispered.

“What happened?” she whispered back.

“I was scared.” I tugged her even closer. “I left the country abruptly arrived New York and didn’t have time until it was too late for me to call you, time difference and all. It was the same the next day, and the next and when I did have the time to call, a week had passed. I was scared, scared of how you would react, scared that you wouldn’t want to speak to me anymore.”

I didn’t realize I was rambling until I felt her finger on my lips, shushing me.

“I don’t bite, Irvin.” She slowly shook her head. “A text would have done the trick, though.”

“Do you forgive me?”

“Your explanation was unnecessary, the apology also.” She dropped her hand to her side.

“I thought you would be angry with me or something.”

“As angry as I was, I realized I didn’t have any right to, so I advised myself.” She shrugged.

Unmistakable: A Cinderella RetellingWhere stories live. Discover now