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Five days.

The number of days wasn’t what bothered me, it was the fact that no one had heard from her or seen her for three days now. She hadn’t shown up to work all week and today was Wednesday.

I agreed to give her space but not knowing how she was doing made me want to go back on my words. I was scared that something had happened to her and she had no one to help her.

“Thank you,” I said to the presenter, my mind already made up on the company. I wasn’t going to work with them. “We’ll get back to you.” I stood up and adjusted my suit before walking out of the conference room.

Penelope rushed to my side and before I could get the elevator buttons, she beat me to it.

“Do I have any other meetings for today?” I stretched my hand forward and Penelope placed the tablet in my hands.

“One more sir, dinner with Everstone.” She answered.

One look at their proposal for tonight and I my mind was made up on them. “Cancel it, I have to be somewhere else tonight.” I handed her the tablet back.

“Cancel it or reschedule?” The fear was in her voice but she did well to hide it.

“Cancel it.” I confirmed and stepped into the elevator. Penelope stepped in after me.

“Where to, sir?” She looked up at me.

“Tell Emeka to get the car ready for me.” I tucked my hands into my pants pockets and waited patiently for the elevator to come to a stop at the underground parking lot.

Emeka was waiting in front of the elevator for me and when the doors opened, the first thing he did was hand me the car keys.

“Why did you follow me all the way down here?” I asked Penelope as I unlocked the car doors.

“Your things sir,” she opened the backdoor behind the driver’s seat and dropped my laptop bag on the seat. She closed the door and handed me my phone. “Will that be all for today?”

I studied her for a second. She looked uneasy.

“Are you okay?” I tucked my free hand into my pants pocket.

She nodded, avoiding my gaze. “Yes sir.”

I looked at Emeka and he shared the same vibes with Penelope, twitching of hands, shifting from one foot to the other and keeping an unnecessary distance between them.

I smirked as I realized what was going on. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I got into the car and as I drove away, I looked at Penelope and Emeka through my rearview mirror and I found them talking or rather, arguing.

I made a quick stop at the supermarket and I got ice cream, a few soda drinks, chocolate, cookies and biscuits, I even went as far as adding chicken into the bag. I didn’t know what was wrong with her and what she’d be in the mood for so the best option was going with as many things as possible. Even if she insisted on not seeing me, I was going to leave everything at her doorstep with a handwritten note. That was all I thought about in that meeting.

Unmistakable: A Cinderella RetellingWhere stories live. Discover now