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To give you a brief idea of what this will be...

You, y/n are currently a 17 year old, technical cat/dog, but mostly human swooning for a kid's pet platypus. Need I rephrase?

Yeah, there's not much here, but for anyone who needs to know I don't own the characters of Phineas and Ferb, you own the idea of you, and I am a lonely author excited for the Phineas and Ferb continuation.

Also this is a female reader, (it just made pronouns easier) but if you want I could do head cannons with different genders, origins, (human perry!?!), etc.

↓ More stuff may be added to this later 

y/n (your name)

h/c - haircolor

e/c - eye color

s/t - skin tone

f/f - favorite food

c/n - city name

h/l - hair length

f/l - first name, first letter


Certain parts of this are in (a modified for four fingered cartoon animal) sign language. Everything in sign will be used as dialogue like so,

'I don't chitter!'

not to be confused with things emphasized in the readers mind such as,

Like they were good 'parents'.


Author notes are bold and italicized sometimes in parenthesis ie (I wanna die in a hole)

Stuck - Perry the Platypus x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now