~𝒯𝓇𝓊𝑒 𝓁ℴ𝓋𝑒?~

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(Hey! There might be trigger warnings, post author will come back and say if there is, not sure yet but triggers might be
-SH scars
-mental breakdowns
-Questioning if its true love and worth it
Have fun reading if you continue too)

Jack rushed past Alice and Wilbur in the lobby, "You wanna go see what happened?" Wilbur asked leaning down to Alice, she nodded, Wilbur picked her up, and followed far behind Jack.

**with jack**

Jack rushed up the stairs straight to their apartment, there face drenched in tears, they ran past Joe not even knowing it was him they ran past, they just were upset, they had both headphones in, music blasting, there eyes glossy, they made it back to their apartment and unlock the door, opening it and going inside and closing the door, Jack slumped down the door hugging their knees to their chest, sobbing, a knock came to the door followed by a sweet voice, "Jackkk!!" It was Alice, Jack moved away from the door and opened it for here, Alice ran into their arms hugging them, Jacks face smiled brightly, but also weakly, Wilbur could tell they've been crying, "What was with you running past Joe so fast? You never run that fast unless something happened" Wilbur said reading right through, "Here Alice, you wanna go watch Tv?" Jack asked their accent returning to a german one, Jack put Alice on the couch and turned on a show she picked, Jack pulled Wilbur into the kitchen, "okay so, Stephanie started stalking me, on the way home, and so I went to the police station, and they arrested her and her gang, so either I adopt her, or we both do and end up together until she's 16," Jack says, "I saw we both do, you know she can like have fun with both parents, she does have my last name though," Wilbur shrugs, "I guess we should both do it, isn't her school tomorrow though? Damnit! I never thought this day would come." Jack looked down, Wilbur pulled them into a hug, they had missed his warm hugs, "Hey Wil?" Jack says a little nervous, "Yeah?" Wilbur replies, "Did you ever want to break up with me?" They ask, this struck Wilbur making him tighten his grip, "No, she stole my phone and sent it, I still love you so.." Wilbur whispers to Jack, they push their foreheads together, "can I?" Wilbur whispers to Jack, they nod, resulting in Wilbur softly pushing their lips together, Alice who is now standing in the kitchen is smiling happily, they both pulled away catching their breathes, "I hope this will be the last time I ever ask this, Will you be my partner, Jack?" Wilbur asks, Jack kicks their legs a little and nods over and over, Wilbur picked them up they wrap their arms around his neck, "Meine Liebe..(my love..)" Jack whispers in Wilbur's ear so only he can hear them, "papa, does that mean Jacks my new parent?" Alice asks, Jack hops down, "You can call my mom, dad, dada, mama, mum, momma, I don't care sweetheart," Jack says, smiling ear to ear, "can I sleep in your home tonight? Ours smells of old mommy.." Alice asks, "Of course you can, Wilbur I'm not sure if have your clothes still, I'll go check, you stay here Alice," Jack said before running to their room, "go sit on the couch kiddo," Wilbur says before following behind Jack closing the door after he enters, he sees Jack reaching up for something their boxers showing slightly, he slaps the very bottom of their back lightly, "Don't you dare Wilbur," Jack said realizing that their stuck, "Make me" Wilbur said in a teasing voice he just sat there and giggled.

Jack had went to lay down, their guts telling them something was off they sat up and called Niki, "Hallo" Jack greeted, "Was ist passiert?(what happened?)" Niki asked, "Mein Mut sagt mir, dass Wilbur lügt, dass er mich liebt,(my guts telling me Wilbur lied about loving me)"Jack replied, Wilbur walked in and laid down, Jack stood up and left the room and stepped into the dining, "Warum sollte er lügen? Er würde für dich sterben (Why would he lie to you? He would die for you)" Niki replied, "Wann hat sich mein Bauch jemals geirrt? (When has my gut ever been wrong?)" Jack replied, "Okay fair point, goodnight lil sibling," Niki said yawning, "Lil? I'm older then you!" Jack said giggling, "Good night lil sister," Jack said before hanging up, they went into their room to see Wilbur not in the bed, "What the hell.." Jack whispered to themself, Wilbur walked up behind them and picked them up by the hips. Causing them to scream.

**Time skip to next day**

Jack called Alices school to let them know she'll be late, Jack showed up in a button up top, and a skirt, "Your going to have to drop her off," Wilbur said, "Why-" Jack asks looking confused, "Oh you bastard" Jack said so calmly. As soon as they finished signing the adoption paperwork they went to go drop her off Wilbur walked With them, "Will you wait for me Wil?" Jack asks softly, he nods and Jack takes Alice's hand and lead her inside, "Hallo, I'm here to drop off Alice Gold" Jack said to the receptionist, "You could've told me German ma'am, but yes let's see the girl how are you Alice?" The sweet woman behind the desk asks, "I'll take her to her class mum, have a great day!" The receptionist says taking Alice to her class. As soon as Jack stepped out Wilbur and Jack walked to the studio to go record Jacks vocals for a release of all their songs just them singing them. In the middle of recording they got a call, Wilbur picked up, since they were just practicing, he put it on speaker, "Hello?" Wilbur said, "Your daughter beat up a boy, we need to speak to you and the girls mother, Mr.Gold, and Mrs.Gold," The woman said before hanging up, Jack put their guitar down, "Wilbur come on, we have to go now," Jack said sighing looking down, Wilbur groaned and put his guitar down and grabbed Jacks hand and they both walked out of the studio. No, no one else was there, "Hey James, tell Mark Joe and Ash that me and Jack had to attend to, just send them home," Wilbur said into a studio, "Which Jack the bald one?" The male in the room said, "I am not bald!" Jack started speaking German on how mad they were, "Yeah we won't be back," Wilbur said pulled Jack, Wilbur picked Jack up bridal style and run out the building Wilbur ran the way to the school, Jack grabbed his wrist and pulled him along with him, to the head teachers office, "I'm going to sue your arses" the mother said standing up and facing Jack, "Teaching your child to beat up boys for touching her?? What?!" The mother of the boy shouted at Jack, "First off, shut your trap. Second off, what did he do darling?" Jack leaned down and whispered to Alice, "he grabbed my waist.." Alice whispered, "And your son shouldn't touch my kid. Case closed." Jack said, before Wilbur and the boys father stepped in, just who happened to be Wilbur's older brother, they immediately recognized each other, "William?" Wilbur's brother said, "Daniel?" Wilbur asked they both hugged, "Daniel you know this sluts husband?" The woman said harshly, "So your my sibling in law, it's lovely to meet you Jack," Daniel said sticking his hand out to shake Jacks hand, Jack shook his hand smiling softly at him, Wilbur grabbed Jacks hand and held them close, "Vanessa you cant just call women sluts- that's fucked up," Daniel said, "Well maybe if you didn't feel me up all the time, your son wouldn't be doing it to little girls." Daniel snapped, "Shut up both of you you are hurting my head." Jack said with their accent sound more German, Daniel nodded but his wife just glared.

ℳ𝓎 𝒻𝒶𝓋ℴ𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝒷𝒶𝓃𝒹 ℒℴ𝓋𝑒𝒿ℴ𝓎|| Wilbur soot x OCWhere stories live. Discover now