~𝓇𝑒𝒸ℴ𝓇𝒹 𝓈𝒽ℴ𝓅~

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As Jack stepped outside their apartment building, they looked up and saw it was snowing, they just shrugged it off and adjusted their mask pulling it up, walking down the street towards the record shop, to clock in for work.

After Jack clocked in they sat behind the counter, scrolling on Twitter, when they heard the door open, they put there phone away and stood up dusting themself off, "Welcome to Britain's best Record Store," Jack said smiling under they mask, the man just smiled back and went towards the back of the shop, as Jack stood there head bopping to the music playing in their headphones, the man walks back up to the counter "Can I help you find anything sir?" Jack says with a small smile on their face, "I would appreciate some help finding a 'Los Campesinos!' record of 'Romance is boring' please" the man said his smile still soft, "Of course sir!" Jack said leaving from behind the counter, and heading to the back of the shop with the male following behind them, he looked around 5'11 "Is this a gift for anyone? We do have a signed copy but it's a few extra pounds" Jack said looking through the records, "It is actually, we're getting together this evening for Christmas," The man replied, "How's that signed one sound for the gift?" Jack said looking at him, holding two copies of 'Romance is Boring' "I'll take the signed one" he replied, Jack put the unsigned one back and took it to the counter as the male followed behind Jack as he stood infront of the counter as Jack rung him up, "Alright and you're total is £17.99" Jack said as the male handed them his credit card, Jack swiped it and handed it back to him, "Would you like this in a bag sir?" Jack asked looking at him, "I don't need one, happy Christmas Jack," he said as he left the store, a smile plastered on Jacks face they sat back down behind the counter and pulled out their phone and scrolled through the drama on Twitter. The door swung open as the bell rang to indicate someone has entered the store, "Welcome to Britains best Record Store," Jack said with a tiny bit of a yawn, the female came up to the desk, "Do you guys happen to have any 'Los Campesinos!' Records?" She asked as her voice was soft, "We only have 'Romance is boring' currently, do you or the person you're buying stuff for already have it?" Jack asked softly standing up, "My friend got him one.. hm, any 'Front bottoms' ones?" She asked looking up at Jack, "Yes, in fact we do! Follow me, erm, what are you're pronouns?" Jack asked fearful to misgender this person, "It's she/her" she said softly, "Follow me Ma'am" Jack said leading her into the back of the store to help her find the front bottoms, "Does he have this album?" Jack asked showing her one, "No he doesn't that's his favorite one to! Could you ring me up please?" She asked happily, Jack nodded and proceeded to the front of the store and rung up the nice young person, "And your total is £15" Jack said with a small smile on their face, as she handed paper money over the counter it was a twenty, "And here's your change miss," Jack said handing it to her, "Keep it please I insist, your very helpful," she said smiling at Jack, "Thank you Ma'am" Jack said smile audible through their voice.

After Jack closed up they started their way home, walking alone, they didn't feel safe so they kept one earbud out, clenching their pocket knife in their pocket, as soon as Jack stepped into their building they saw the lifts were out of order, and were forced to take the stairs, as they made it to their floor they walked to their apartment, and unlocked the door and opened it, walking inside. When they did they remembered how they didn't have any decorations for Christmas up, Judging that Christmas was the next day, Jack groaned and went to their room and flopped face first on their bed falling asleep almost immediately.

After a few hours Jack was waken up by a knock on their door to the apartment, they stood up and groaned, and looked through the peephole to see Wilbur? Why's he here, they opened the door remembering he's seen their face, "hey Wil" Jack said with a small yawn, "I wanted to make sure you were okay, I didn't hear you leave yesterday," Wilbur said, "Yeah I'm fine I had work," Jack said rubbing their jaw, "I was wondering if you would like to come over later tonight for Christmas with my friends" Wilbur said, Jacks face turned shocked very quickly, "I'd have to buy gifts- fuck- could you come with me to show me what they like?" Jack asked Wilbur looking him in the eyes, "Yeah of course," Wilbur replied, "Okay! Come in, I need to get in more comfortable and Christmas appropriate clothes," Jack said opening the door and moving out of the way, as Wilbur walked in, "Sit down anywhere just make yourself at home," Jack said closing the door behind Wilbur and running to their room and closing their door and locking it, Wilbur sat down on the couch, watching TikTok, after a while Jack stepped out of their room, in a Christmas jumper and a pair of baggy jeans, "Alright come on let's go!" Jack said grabbing their wallet, "Don't you want your mask?" Wilbur asked a little confused, "Eh! I'm buying your friends stuff not me stuff" Jack said shrugging and dragging Wilbur out the door and shutting it behind them.

As the two made it back up the stairs, Jack infront with majority of the bags because they refused to let Wilbur carry to many, Jack made it to their door and unlocked the door and put all the bags down when Wilbur handed them the last bag, "You shouldn't have put that much pressure on your arms, they hurt now don't they?" Wilbur asked looking at Jack over the top of his glasses like an idiot, Jack nodded and smiled, "I'm sure you have to greet your friends, I'll be over in a few" Jack said, "They won't be over for a while, maybe I could assist you with name tags?" Wilbur suggested, Jack sighed and allowed him in, closing the door after he entered.

**Time skip**

After Jack and Wilbur finished making the name tags, Wilbur looked at Jack with a smug smirk on his face, "What?" Jack looked up confused, Wilbur inched closer to Jack, "Wanna know the games we'll be playing?" Wilbur asked almost in a whisper since he was an inch away from Jack, "Sure" Jack said looking at their hands since their face is bright red, "Spin the bottle classic with the adults but we have a choice to either hug or kiss, but if you hug you have to spin again, and kiss the next person it lands on, spin the bottle truth or dare, and seven minutes in heaven but you get to know each other," Wilbur said shrugging, "why are you looking down darling?" Wilbur asked grabbing their chin softly and making them look at him, Jack turned even more bright red, they moved their head quickly and covered their face with their jumper, "I think everyone's at my apartment, I'll see you in a few darling," Wilbur said, winking in a joke way and walking to his own apartment closing Jacks door behind him.

Jack walked over there all the gifts in bags but wrapped, and knocked on the door, to be met with Wilbur's little brother, "WILBAH YOUR PARTNERS HERE!!" He shouted to Wilbur, "THOMAS!" Wilbur shouted back, "Move boy!" Wilbur demanded to the boy as he walked away, "What was that about?" Jack asked looking at Wilbur as they could see he was bright red, Wilbur went to take two of the three bags, "Nope! I got you something I don't need you seeing Wilbah" Jack said with a smirk on their face, "For me?" Wilbur asked softening his tone in a joking way, make Jack giggle. "Put the gifts next to the tree, and sit anywhere you like Wilbur said, smiling, Jack walked over to the tree and set the gifts next to the tree, and they sat down on the couch, next to what looked like a kid who was tall than Wilbur, the kid from earlier and another brunette, Jack sat across the couch from the trio, "PHILLLLL" the brunette whined, "What." A 5'11 male walked into the living space, "Toms making us watch Moana" he whined, "It's a good movie Toby!" Wilbur's little brother said, "HEY IF YOU WONT FIND SOMETHING YOU ALL CAN WATCH THEN GIVE JACK THE REMOTE," Wilbur shouted from the kitchen, the brunette grabbed the remote and threw it at Jack as they caught it, "No! It's the big man's turn," The blonde haired kid, now know as Tom said, "Your probably younger then me," Jack said pulling up Netflix, and turning on 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' "Jack." Wilbur said standing beside them, "Yes?" Jack asked seemingly innocent, "Your traumatizing these kids," Wilbur said taking the remote out of their hands, making Jack frown, Wilbur then turned on, 'The Grinch live action' Jack groaned and stuffed their face in their jumper,they heard the door open with a few 'hellos' and greetings, "Hallo!" A soft female voice, Jack pulled their jumper off their face, "hallo?" Jack replied, in a soft tone, "are you German?" She asks her tone still soft, sitting next to Jack, "born and raised there but moved here when I turned 14," Jack said remembering the reason they had to move to the UK, "I'm sorry, it's such a shame you had to move, it truly is beautiful, so how did you and Wilbur meet?" She asks smiling, "Well, erm, I DMed him on instagram, and I bumped into him in a shop and made him drop his stuff on accident.." Jack said, "I'm sure he's forgiven you," she said, "I'm Niki by the way," the person, Niki introduced, "As in Niki Nihachu?" Jack asked their face turning shocked, as Niki nodded, "I'm Jack it's lovely to meet you" Jack said with a sweet smile plastered on their face, "Alright little gremlins and Jack and Niki, come get your plates!" Wilbur and the other male announced from the kitchen, the trio that was originally sat on the couch all raced to the kitchen to grab food before it was all gone, "am I the only one who's not that hungry.." Jack said softly only audible to Niki, "Your going to get food if you like it or not, I need to see you eat something," Niki said with a smile on her face.

ℳ𝓎 𝒻𝒶𝓋ℴ𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝒷𝒶𝓃𝒹 ℒℴ𝓋𝑒𝒿ℴ𝓎|| Wilbur soot x OCWhere stories live. Discover now