Chapter 18

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I spoke softly after a long silence.


― Yes, traveler. Please speak.

“The main character who deviated from the path, is it Lexion Sparrow?”

― That is right. Lexion Sparrow has strayed out of the path as the main character, thus, has been disqualified.

“So, did Lexion return to the past like me?”

I asked the guide the questions I had this whole time.

I thought maybe he might have returned like me.

Because his behavior was so different from before.

I was somewhat certain now.

But the guide flatly denied it.

― Only ‘travelers’ can enter the reset area. Lexion Sparrow is not a traveler, so it is impossible in principle.

“But why…”

Of course, I muttered faintly, I was sure that Lexion had returned.

According to the guide, Lexion didn’t return and was no longer the main character.

And the reason why he was unfamiliar now was because his role in the story had changed.

In the end, it meant that his actions were only a role fit for the new story.

I lowered my head, confused.

‘But why do I keep thinking that you came back like me?’

My last ray of hope disappeared and I felt weak.

Lexion now was not the same person I had met before.

So he couldn’t remember me.

It’s just related to Tiarozetti in this story, and I didn’t know what it was.

Because there was no backstory in the book.

I asked with a gloomy face.

“So what’s Lexion’s role now?”

― The role of Lexion Sparrow is ‘unknown.’ Since the setting value is constantly changing, his role is ‘unknowledgeable’ or ‘unknown’.

“Don’t tell me you don’t know.”

I flipped over the book that didn’t help at all.

Still, I couldn’t get my hands off it.

When the book didn’t show up, I was nervous that it wouldn’t show up, but now it was the opposite.

I was nervous when the book appeared again.

Perhaps it was because of what it said to me.

Of the rules that changed, none of them were shocking.

I became the main character.

I took away the role of the main character.

Now that I had become the main character, Lexion’s story had changed to a sub-role.

Since I, a sub-character, became the main character, this novel was almost like a new one.

As the content changed, the cover color also changed.

Besides, unlike my previous life, the book was hiding a lot from me.

For example,

“Why can’t I see the plot’s background?”

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