Chapter 13

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While Lexion was busy with his work, I stayed at the Sparrow’s family villa and was treated with utmost respect.

The servants were really kind to me.

“Is the food to your liking, Miss Tiarozetti?”

“I’ve prepared a warm bath for you. You’ll be able to sleep well after relaxing.”

“If there is a place you would like to see, please feel free to tell me. I’ll accompany you.”

It was a completely different reaction from my previous life.

In the past, everyone treated me like someone who would stay only for a while…

Even in this peaceful daily life, my role was to wait for him to come home.

Just as Tiarozetti did in the novel.

In fact, I could go outside with my ring on, but somehow I didn’t feel like it.

I was feeling really frustrated.

I couldn’t go back to my original world; the longer I stayed here, the more despondent I felt.

Time passed without meaning, and I was anxious since the book still didn’t appear.

I fell asleep every night after hearing the sound of Lexion coming home.

Even if it was meaningless, I knowingly waited impatiently.

It was a habit I had developed after entering the book to fall asleep only after hearing him coming back.

It’s because I was trained by Tiarozetti’s habits from the original novel.

But there was another difference.

The sound of his footsteps passed my room.

As if announcing his arrival.

It wasn’t like I was trying to run away, but he came to me every night and I pretend not to know.

But thanks to that, I was able to sleep and have a pleasant dream.

An intermittent pat, like something as warm and cozy as a fluffy bed.

A soft touch that felt like a comfortable breeze.

It felt like a dream I would forget after waking up.

I’ve spent a long time being her, which made me the perfect Tiarozetti.

It was easy to act like her even without the book.

By the time I was able to get used to the exhausting routine, I released all the tension that had been building up before.

It was purely my mistake to fall into that ridiculous trap.

It happened during Daisy’s brief absence.

The maid, who was usually behind Daisy, handed me a letter.

“Miss Tiarozetti, the Duke dental letter.”

“The Duke?”

“Yes. The messenger asked that you read it and send an immediate response.”

When I opened the letter the maid gave me, the content wrote about not staying alone in the mansion and going out for a walk together.

“Hasn’t the Duke been busy the last few days?”

“He must have made some time. Should we get ready?”

At her question, I nodded and prepared to go out.

I was excited thinking he was done with all his busy work.

I didn’t know it was a trap.

The maid led me somewhere.

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