My Spiritual Journey:

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I grew up in a Christian family. Meaning that I was dragged to Church basically every Sunday (especially when I was staying with my Grandfather & Step Grandmother).

I never really complained about going. The people were rather nice but I also never paid attention to what was being preached.

Over time I began to realize how hypocritical these so called "Good Christians" were. They preached to "Love Thy Neighbor" but ridiculed anybody who wasn't white,straight and cis.

I never personally identified as a Christian but pulled away from the church as soon as I began to stay with my father. Unfortunately he was very religious just like the rest of my family.

Because of his addiction issues he began to attend church when I was 10 or 11. (That's his business so I can't judge) It was when he started to reveal his homophobia that I started to get angry.

He was one of those people that claimed marriage was between a man and a woman. He openly voiced his disgust of LGBTQ+ marriage.

Once he found out about me being Transgender (He hacked my social media accounts) he started to taunt me. He'd snidely use my preferred name when we talked and told me that if I didn't stop identifying as a male he'd kick me out. So I hide my identity in fear.

I began to identify as an atheist. I was quite content with my life at that point. I felt that believing in a God would not make me feel whole. As you may imagine this did not bode well with most people both in my family and on social media.

I was told that believing in God would help me both with my physical issues as well as my mental health issues. My family claimed that God was the one who helped me heal during my multiple surgeries.

I scoffed at this, My doctor's worked so hard for years to help me, and my family didn't have the decency to give them all the real credit?

During the late summer of 2022 (I can't remember the exact date unfortunately) I came across an article on Paganism. Since it is an earth based religion this fascinated me.

Paganism is the belief that nature is sacred and must be treated with respect. In Paganism we do not believe in sin or suffering. We believe that the divine is here on earth, Not in some magic land in the sky.

In my spiritual path I worship deities, Live by the moon cycles and worship every living creature. Both real and otherworldly.

Becoming a Witch has been one of the best journey's of my life. I am still researching new things everyday but my Pagan Path is unique, beautiful and sometimes sloppy. I wouldn't trade it for the world!

So Mote It Be!

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