Mabon: September 21 - 23:

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Known as the pagan Thanksgiving, Mabon marks the Autumn Equinox,

When day and night are equal, making it a time of balance, equality and harmony.

Symbols: Cornucopia, Wine/Grapes, Dry Leaves & Pine Cones.

Incense: Coffee, Vanilla, Apple, Cinnamon & Lavender.

Colors: Orange, Red, Yellow & Brown.

Crystals: Amber, Diamond, Citrine & Gold.

Ways To Celebrate:

- Have a family feast.

- Learn a new skill or further your education.

- Practice leaf divination.

- Create a crystal grid.

- Create a Mabon altar.

- Make prints from leaves.

- Make your own corn husk doll.

- Go on a Fall picnic.

Mabon Prayer:

This is a prayer for the act of sharing,

For sitting with guests,

For stories by the fire,

May our Mabon be bright.

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