Thursday Witchcraft:

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Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, a planet of long-term good fortune and expansion, often attributed to personal spirituality. 

This is a great opportunity to run errands that involve large sums of money, charity or your spiritual pursuits.

Try These Tips:

Start a New Hobby.

Add A Statue Or New Footpath To Your Garden.

Give Gifts.

Practice divination.

Make Healing Sachets, Herbal Washes & Cleaning Products.

Light A White Or Purple Candle.

Wear: Red, Sea Green, Deep Blue/Purple, Violet, Lime, Gold Or Forest Green.

Thursday Herbs: 

- Anise

- Chestnut

- Clove 

- Dandelion

- Honeysuckle

- Maple

- Pumpkin

- Sage

- Sarsaparilla

- Sassafras

Thursday Crystals:

- Amethyst

- Green Aventurine

- Jasper

- Serpentine 

- Sapphire.

Thursday Spellwork: 

- Career

- Money

- Legal Matters

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