Pagan Night Prayers:

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Night Magick Prayer:

When the stars appear in darkened skies,

And the curtains of the day are drawn,

When the God & Goddess don their midnight guise,

And fairies dance until dawn,

I bid the earth goodnight.

Honoring The Horned God:

The horned God runs in the night,

And hunts among the stars,

May he watch over and keep us safe,

No matter where we are.

Mother Moon Prayer:

Mother Moon,

Shining in the sky above,

Bathe me in your magical light,

And protect me with your love.

Druid Evening Prayer:

May the blessings of the protecting father,

The loving wise mother,

And the divine child be with me all through this night.

So mote it be!

Simple Night Prayer:

Lord of night, Welcome me as I sleep.

Guide me in the darkness,

And protect me as I dream.

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