Wiccan Summerland:

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It's a crossover place for the soul to await its reincarnation and a new life.

Wicca and some pagan religions describe the Summerland as a place with grassy fields and flowing rivers where it is eternally summer.

Others have described it as a swirl of energies, which coexist with the God and Goddess.

Theosophist Charles Webster Leadbeater taught that if you were a good person in life,

You would go to the Summerland, a place to rest your soul, review the past and reunite with loved ones, between incarnations.

Whether Summerland truly exists is one of those great existential questions that's simply impossible to answer.

For those Pagans who don't have a defined name or description of the afterlife,

There is still typically a notion that the spirit and the soul live on somewhere, even if we don't know where it is or what to call it.

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