Hedge Witchcraft:

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The hedge witch is a symbolic hedge rider, meaning they often crosses the "hedge" between this world & the spirit world.

How to Become a Hedge Witch:

1. Meditation:

- Meditation gives us the ability to turn off our busy minds & connect with the spiritual world.

- This is how we are able to receive messages from the gods & spirits, clear our chakras & travel to other realms on spiritual missions.

2. Dreamwork:

- Start by keeping a dream journal,

- When you wake up, write down what you remember from that night.

- After making a habit of this, your dream recall will become increasingly better!

3. Trance:

- The hedge witch will learn the ability to put on shamanic drumming & switch their mind into the trance-state.

- This is pretty much like entering the alpha state of mind using a mental trigger.

- Try different things – dancing,  music..etc - See what puts you into that open mind!

4. Herbs:

- Hedge witches learn which herbs are made into teas before bed to induce dreaming.

- Herbal salves & oils can be made & used to anoint the witch's power points before meditation, shapeshifting, etc.

- Do your research thoroughly before taking herbs internally or applying topically.

5. Shapeshifting:

- Shapeshifting is a shamanic skill dating back thousands of years & performed for centuries.

- Shapeshifting is a way to journey into the other realms in disguise & be protected from other beings who could do you harm.

How to Start Shapeshifting:

- Shapeshifting occurs in dreams, astral projection, meditation & trance,

- Sometimes it'll happen naturally, while other times you will want to try it yourself.

-During meditation try holding a feather, bone, or some other animal item in your hand,

- Focus on the energy, the life & the soul of that particular animal.

- Getting into the mind and "body" of the being you want to shift into is just the beginning.

6. Divination:

- Divination can help when talking with the spirits of a place,

- A pendulum, tarot cards, or whatever form of divination you prefer are helpful.

- Be sure to cleanse before & after a session. And take notes!

7. Learn Your Local History & Landmarks:

- The land carries memories of the past,

- It remembers things like war, illness, life, death & tragedies of all kinds.

- Dig into the history of the land where you live,

- Use your divination skills to speak with the spirits.

8. Find Local Ley Lines:

- If we look at some of the world's ancient sites on a map, we can draw straight lines between one and another,

- These lines end up forming a grid-like pattern across the entire globe.

- Ley lines are energetic roadways across the globe that the ancients knew well.

- Look up a ley line map & see if you have a local ley line to visit.

- Take your pendulum or cards with you!

Hedge Riding Crystals:

- Labradorite.

- Amethyst.


-Black Tourmaline

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