Samhain: October 31st - Nov 1st:

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Samhain (Pronounced "SAH-win") is celebrated from October 31 to November 1 to welcome in the harvest and usher in "the dark half of the year."

Celebrants believe that the barriers between the physical world and the spirit world break down, allowing interaction between humans and denizens of the Otherworld.

Colors: Black, Orange, & Gold.

Symbols: Cauldrons, Soul Cakes, Brooms & Skulls.

Incense: Sandalwood, Cinnamon & Sweet-grass.

Crystals: Amber, Bloodstone, Obsidian & Smoky Quartz.

Ways To Celebrate:

- Host a Pagan Dumb Supper for the ancestors.

- Try your hand at divination.

- Visit the Otherworld via mediation.

- Do a Fire Ceremony.

- Cover your clocks to shift to non physical realms.

New Year Blessing:

May the new year bring peace and prosperity.

Samhain is the end and also an open door,

To a loving, serene life anew, now and forever more.

Gods Of The Underworld:

The harvest has ended, and the fields are bare.

The earth has grown cold, and the land is empty.

The gods of the death are lingering over us,

keeping a watchful eye upon the living.

They wait, patiently, for eternity is theirs.

Samhain Hail To Hecate:

Hail to you, Hecate! O keeper of the gate,

Between this world and the underworld.

I ask that when I cross over,

You may guide me with wisdom.

Samhain Hail To Anubis:

Hail to you, Anubis! O jackal headed one,

Guardian of the realm of the dead.

When my time comes,

I hope you may deem me worthy.

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