Sunday Witchcraft:

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Sunday is ruled by the sun, Bringing vibrant, successful & positive energy to any task. 

The sun symbolizes harmony in action, 

Which makes Sunday a great day for enjoying the world around you & having fun.

Try These Tips:

Spend Time With Friends & Family

Wear Gold Jewelry

Light A White or Yellow Candle.

Practice Your Favorite Hobby or Activity

Add A Sundial To Your Garden

Wear:  Yellow, Gold, Purple, Scarlet, Bright Red or Orange

Sunday Herbs: 

- Ash

- Bay

- Chamomile

- Cinnamon

- Daisy

- Frankincense

- Juniper

- Orange

-  Peony

- Rosemary

- Rue

- Saffron

- St. John's Wort

- Sunflower

-  Witch Hazel.

Sunday Crystals:  

- Amber

- Carnelian

- Citrine

- Ruby

- Sun-Stone 

- Topaz.

Sunday Spellwork: 

- Healing

- Making Decisions

- Problem-Solving

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