How Witchcraft Improved My Life:

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Being a Pagan in an ultra conservative, Christian family is not an easy experience. But Witchcraft has bettered my life in ways that I could never possibly imagine:

1. It has helped me appreciate Mother earth & her creations: 

- I have always loved Mother Nature but I have found a deeper respect for her since becoming a Pagan.

2. It has improved my mental health:  It has been through Witchcraft that I am able to cope with my mental illnesses better than before. (Ex: Meditation, Prayers to my Deities, journaling)

3. It has improved my physical health:  Being born with a physical disability I have always heard how the Christian "God" would help me recover, 

- But it's through witchcraft that I am slowly improving myself physically.

-  I now do my exercises because I want to go out into Mother Nature and experience her beauty without any physical limitations setting me back.

4. It has empowered my identity as a Transgender & Gay Individual:  Christians are taught they will burn in Hell should they be with someone of the same gender or should they change to a different gender than the one they were born as, 

- In Witchcraft, Being LGBTQ+ is never sinful & is welcomed with open arms.

5. It has helped me realize my romantic attraction & embrace other cultures: While this one may not make much sense allow me to explain, 

- Ever since I became a Witch I have thought about my romantic attractions & what I look for in a partner. In my case, This would be a Black guy.

- When I was young I would hear relatives openly speak ill about the race I have now openly embraced being attracted towards.

- In Paganism, Interracial relationships are not frowned upon or considered sinful. (I know in Christianity being in an interracial relationship is not said to be wrong but there are many prejudices involving them in today's churches)

- It certainly helps that Witchcraft is now being embraced by the African American Community more than ever.

- Before I was Pagan I never truly realized the beauty of other cultures or their spiritual/religious beliefs. (I was NEVER prejudiced, Just uneducated)

- Paganism & Witchcraft looks different all over the world, Getting to explore these paths (With the utmost respect) has been a wonderful & thought provoking process.

6. It has improved my Diet & Food intake:

- My diet currently consists of lots of meats & dairy, But as a nature worshiping Pagan this type of diet just won't do in the long run.

- As of the last few weeks I have been heavily researching Vegan diets, Most meats (Beef & Pork specifically) have become rather bothersome due to my ongoing issues with textures in general.

- In vegan diets, Seitan, Chickpeas, Mushrooms & Jackfruit are known to mimic meaty textures rather well, Giving vegans a chance to eat their favorite meals without the odd texture & flavors of meat.

- Cutting out most meat & dairy products from my diet will ensure I am giving it my all when respecting not only Mother Nature, But my own body and what it truly craves.

- I have found that most meat/dairy products either leave me feeling tired & sluggish or with "bathroom" troubles - Replacing these with healthier and more natural ingredients should make me feel loads better.

7. It has helped me to better understand natural remedies:

- Let me start out by saying natural herbs, oils & tinctures should NEVER fully replace professional medical care & advice!

- Using natural remedies to cure small things such as headaches, scrapes or a fever is better for your body overall. That way you know exactly what is being put on or in your body.

- Creating your own natural apothecary deepens your connection with mother nature & what she creates (herbs, flowers..etc)

8.  It has helped me embrace the cannabis industry & the people who use it:

- Let me start out by saying that until February of 2025, I am under the age of 21, So I cannot legally use cannabis until that time.

- Before I discovered witchcraft I looked down on the people who used cannabis for fun, recreational use.

- I have come to realize that the Cannabis community holds some of the most genuine & kind  people I have ever met.

- Cannabis itself can be incorporated into your daily spell work & practices.

9. Witchcraft has helped me embrace my feminine side:

- Since I am a closeted transgender male this may be a bit confusing, Allow me to explain!

- While I strive to wear masculine clothing & present myself as masculine in general, Embracing my feminine side is important to me.

- Witchcraft has helped me learn that wearing feminine clothing (as a male) is okay!

- My ideal aesthetic is Cottagecore, This particular aesthetic is mostly feminine but does have many male members, Being a Witch has helped me embrace the cottage witch part of me.

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