Pagan Mealtime Prayers:

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A Simple Thanks:

Lord & Lady, Watch over us as we eat.

Thank you for this nourishing food, This bounty of mother earth,

So mote it be.

Offerings Prayer:

This meal is the work of many hands,

And I offer you a share.

Ancient ones, accept my gift,

And upon my hearth, leave your blessings.

Invitation To The Gods:

I set a place at my table for the gods,

And ask them to join me here tonight.

My home is always open to you,

And my heart as well.

Winter Meal Thanks:

The winter is coming to an end,

The stores of food are dwindling,

And yet we eat, and stay warm,

In the chilled winter months.

We are grateful for our good fortune,

And for the food before us.

Brighid's Fire Meal Blessing:

Brighid is the lady of flame,

The fire that cooks our food!

Hail to her and to the hearth,

And may our meal be good!

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