Cannabis & Witchcraft

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For thousands of years, Drugs & magick have been used to facilitate experiences that are beyond the ordinary senses found in everyday life.


When looking for a meditative strain, find one that:

1. Doesn't sedate or cause tiredness

2. Doesn't overstimulate the mind

3. Calms and relaxes the body & mind

4. Doesn't overwhelm the senses

When looking for a strain as a magickal assistive, find one that:

1. Doesn't cloud the mind

2. Allows some cognitive clarity (able to think clear headed)

3. Heightens awareness, promotes creativity or imagination

In general you will want to avoid strains that cause excessive:

1. Anxiety

2. Paranoia

3. Hunger AKA "Munchies"

These side effects may become too distracting while trying to focus or meditate.

Cannabis & your Book of Shadows:

If you're an avid record keeper of your workings, You may wish to,  

- Record your spells and/or rituals 

- The outcome

- Anything that happened during the work

- The name of the strain 

- And how much was consumed

Be sure to include the date, time & what your health status was before AN after the ritual or spell.

Keeping a journal about different strains is also effective to:

-  Keep track of which ones work

- Which ones don't 

-  Which ones would be best suited for certain magickal workings depending on the effects

Flower, Edibles, Oils & Tinctures in Cannabis Magick:

- The use of flower, edibles, oils or tincture is based on the preference of the practitioner & how they want to use the herb in the working.

- Some practitioners may not prefer to inhale the herb, So using an edible will create a slower release of the herb's effect (~4 to 6 hours) which may be ideal for a ritual that will take place later after consuming or to have the effect last after the ritual or spell work is complete.

- Oils & tinctures can also be used to this effect,  Cannabis can be added to create ritual oils for perfumes, anointing or for consumption.

- Smoking the herb releases it into the air, which combines the elements of fire & air and can be used for spell work or ritual where offerings are being made.

Cannabis Healing Properties:

- While it's know that cannabis has healing properties to treat a variety of physical illnesses & symptoms,

- It can be used to alleviate mental stress & even some common afflictions such as PTSD & some forms of anxiety.

-  Some strains may exacerbate these symptoms which is why it's important to note that not all strains of cannabis are the same.

 - Many within the same category can have different effects on different people.

- Cannabis can be used in ritual to enhance healing whether used in a spell bag, a candle, ritual oil, consumed or inhaled during the ritual.

While magick & ritual shouldn't be the first step to treating an illness or symptom, It can be used in conjunction with approved treatments if those treatments are working for you.

Uses of Cannabis & Hemp in Witchcraft:

Hemp is a variety of cannabis sativa which can be used as a versatile material that can be used for clothing & textiles.


- The material can be used as an alternative to cotton or other cloth materials to store magickal items, divination tools or to use as everyday ritual clothing, altar cloths, bags, etc.

- Hemp oil and hemp hearts can be used in ritual as offerings and also to add to food. - Which is an excellent alternative to add to some recipes made by any green or kitchen witch.


1. Shadow work

2. Shamanic journeys

3. New, Full & Dark moon magick

4. Spell/ Charm bags

5. Honoring deity

6. Manifestation magick

7. Physical or spiritual healing

8. Spirit communication

Safe Magick & Cannabis:

While using cannabis with witchcraft it's important to make sure your work area is safe, clear & suitable for the type of work.

This ensures that:

- Candles, incense or any flames are safely guarded to avoid accidents.

- You will not be distracted by any outside forces or happenings.

- Hazardous materials (herbs, oils, etc.) are safely out of reach of pets & children.

- You know how the strain will effect you before attempting spell work or ritual.

Cannabis Magickal Properties:

Planet: Saturn

Astrological sign: Capricorn

Deities: Hestia, Venus, Freyja, Osiris, Bastet, Isis, Dionysus, Pan & Santa Muerte

A Witches RamblingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora