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Chapter 22 The Crazy Stone (1)

On the second day after his birthday, Zhang Xiaobao rushed to the township government to apply for an ID card with his household registration booklet. Zhang Dashan shook his head when he saw it.

There are acquaintances of Mr. Li in the township government. Zhang Xiaobao went to the master and asked him to help him speak. The ID card that was supposed to be obtained in two months was obtained before the end of his November.

Looking at this first-generation ID card, Zhang Xiaobao lamented that no matter what age, there are always people who can handle things.

The study pressure in the third year of senior high school was heavy, especially Zhang Xiaobao's top class, but for a student like Zhang Xiaobao who took the first place every time, the school would give him a lot of preferential treatment, so he asked for leave in the past, and the class teacher agreed after asking the reason.

"I can give you three days off, so you can't fall behind in your studies, you know?" The head teacher signed the leave slip and handed it to Zhang Xiaobao.

"I know, thank you teacher." Zhang Xiaobao said with a smile.

Back at the rental house, I simply packed up a change of clothes, put on my bag and left.

He is going to the provincial capital this stop, there is something he has been thinking about since he was reborn, and it will be his greatest opportunity.

The last time I came back to the provincial capital, I passed by when I was going to the capital. At first, I only saw a lot of private houses, but now there are many high-rise buildings. Soon, this place will develop better and better, and become one of the top ten developed cities in the country.

I took a little look at the current provincial capital, and walked to an old street familiar with the way. This is the largest antique market in the provincial capital, and in the depths of this antique street, there is a small street that does not sell antiques. But betting on stones.

Zhang Xiaobao spent some time in the provincial capital in his previous life, and once met a poor old man. At that time, there was a local gangster beside him, who had a good relationship with him, and told him a little story as if it were a joke.

The old man originally had a good family background, and he usually liked to collect. Later, he gradually became fascinated by gambling stones. Once he went to gamble stones with his friends. The boss had a batch of good wool, including a super large wool, which was of good quality.

The wool cost 300,000 yuan, which was definitely a sky-high price at the time, but for stone gambling enthusiasts, sometimes a stone can be worth millions, but unfortunately the old man did not have so much money, so his friend finally bought the piece As a result, a large piece of glass imperial green was sold, which was bought by a rich man from Hong Kong on the spot for a total of 100 million yuan, which was a sensation in the whole province at that time.

The old man regretted it. If he knew it was made of glass, he bought it even if he wanted to sell it. He bet on this thing. If he wins, he wants to win, and if he loses, he wants to make money. In short, the old man fell in love with another piece of wool, and this time he really sold it. The old man bought it, but it turned out to be a white stone when he cut it. The old man became half crazy immediately, his wife and children left him, and the real family was ruined.

This incident left a deep impression on Xiaobao. He remembered that he went to check it out after hearing it, and it was published in the newspaper, and he kept it in his heart after he was reborn. The name of the store, so even if the houses in the county and the city are cheap, he still holds on to the money in his hand. With 100 million in 1993, he can't buy any house.

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