1: Whispering Woods

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Early AF A/N: it will almost always be in Athena's POV but a few parts will be in Catra's or Third POV

Athena POV

I change into my cadet uniform as Adora brushes her teeth. She spits the swings around shooting finger guns. She adds a 'pew pew' and punches a punching bag a few times. By this time, I'm done changing and walk over to her.

"You still have your hair poof," I say chuckling and patting it.

"Hey!" Adora replies while slapping my hand away, "It's an awesome hair poof." She turns away pouting.

I step back and bow forward to Adora, "I apologize for my words, Adora's Sacred Hair Poof." She just laughs before shoving me.

"Go ahead, I'll wait for Catra," she says and I comply. I move away but not before I hear Adora go 'Hey, princess. You lookin' at me!?' while kicking the bag. I laugh a bit before heading out.

"All squadrons, report to training area immediately for evaluation," a woman says over the PA. I rush over and Adora appears not long after

"Anyone seen Catra?" She asks us and all shake our heads no.

A Horde Commander catches our attention, "At attention, cadets. Your simulation is about to begin. Here's your scenario. You'll be passing through the treacherous Whispering Woods to reach the heart of the rebel insurgency, Bright Moon." He says and Kyle whimpers a bit, "Your mission is to defeat the Queen of the Princesses and liberate Bright Moon in Lord Hordak's name. Where's Catra?"

"She'll be here. I promise," I say and he side-eyes me while mumbling.

"Mm-hmm. The Whispering Woods is full of princesses. Vicious, violent instigators. They will take you out if given the chance. Don't give it to them. Good luck, recruits." He says and we all rush inside. A purple princess immediately appears overhead.

"Watch out!!" Adora calls out. I sniff the air while dodging an attack from the princess. I smirk when I smell Catra from above me. I see her jump from a make-shift tree to another in the corner of my eye but it looks like nobody else has seen her.

"Oh no no no no," Kyle exclaims as Adora throws an explosive and we run deeper into the area. Kyle gets hit from behind us and he groans as a red 'X' appears on his chest plate.

"Ugh. Seriously, Kyle!?" I say and he looks guilty. Three more princesses show up and Adora yells for us to run, "Seriously, Kyle!!?" Red hexagons appear under our feet while we run but Adora and I expertly manuever around them. An orb shoots from the floor and turns into a large robot. Adora runs at it with her saber while I use my claws to damage it. I jump on top and destroy its gun while Adora attacks it's legs. The robot finally sinks back into the floor as Adora smashes it's legs. Adora falls facedown on the ground but I land swiftly on my feet. Catra jumps down and smirks at me while pushing the robot the rest of the way into the hole. She strides over to Adora and points to the red hexagon that appears below her. Adora yells as she falls but uses her saber to catch her.

"Hey, Adora. How's it hanging?" Catra says

"You really had to show up at the end? I'd say that's low, but nothing's too low for you" I say and she turns to me.

"At least you know it. Now help me, Adora looks stupid hanging there," she laughs and we both pull Adora out. After she's out, Catra looks at her face closely while holding her chin, "Hmm. Is it just be or does that hair poof make your forehead even bigger?"

It's silent before I bust out laughing and Catra soon joins while Adora covers her poof and forehead in embarrassment. "It's not that bad, Adora." I say and she looks at me thankful.

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