A fresh start

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if even one more person comments "make it a happy ending" everyone is going to die.


Craig's POV

A month or two later, I was discharged and allowed to go home. I had been waiting for this day since I got there. Everyday, I would write a letter, not to send, but to give to my love when I got home.

Sitting in the back of Tolkien's car, all I could think of was how the reunion might go. Maybe he'd collapse on the floor crying, perhaps he'd run to me to hug me tightly, or maybe he would just stare, appalled by who I was.

As he pulled up to my house, Tolkien turned the radio down and began to speak.

"Craig. Before you go inside or anything, Tweek got really depressed after you left, and we tried to help him, but it wasn't really working. He was obsessively cleaning and shit so, just, be wary of what you say."

I nodded. I thanked Tolkien for the lift, grabbed my bag and exited the car. I counted the steps to the front door. I listened carefully for the sound of the car driving away. Only when I was sure it had left did I knock.

The person who answered was not my lover.

Whoever they were, they had vivid purple eyebags, knotted blonde hair, bitten down nails and scratches all along their arms. They were pale, skinny, sleep deprived. But when they spoke I knew it was my love, my angel, my darling.


I dropped my bag and opened my arms for him. He ran into them and clung tightly, I felt as if I couldn't breathe, as if my ribs were being crushed. I didn't want to let go, so I didn't. I somehow grabbed my bag and hoisted the skinny frame of my lover to sit around my waist. I was greeted with the strong smell of cleaner and bleach as soon as I entered, but I didn't care. I kicked the door shut behind us and threw my love onto the sofa.

I curled on top of him, refusing to let him escape my grasp. I wanted to hold him closer than what was humanly possible, I wanted to rock him and tell him it was all ok and I was here and that I'd make it better. I wanted to go back to the life we had before, I wanted to make it all better.

But the best I could do was hug him, and cry.



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