Stay with me (ii)

821 13 124

(Kinda long note, you can skip)

Hey, just a few things!
First, this idea came from Sunflowergirl3434

I kinda changed it a little to fit my vision but it's their rough idea, plus thought I'd tag them.

Next, regarding the continuation of this book. I'm not too sure right now about what's going to happen, I may end up discontinuing it because of personal reasons, but I'll see how it goes.

Finally, suggestions are open, please give me ideas because part of the reason I've been gone so long is because I have no ideas or plot twists or anything. (on that note no more smut for a while, i cannot afford anyone else's therapy fees.)


Love ya, enjoy the chapter!


Craig's POV
I helped Kyle get cleaned up, lending him clothes and making him food. While he was showering, I called Stan, letting him know that Kyle was safe and vaguely explaining the situation. He understood immediately and arranged to come over tomorrow to take care of him so I could go see Tweek.

I let Kyle have my bed, instead sleeping on the sofa, despite his pleading.

"Craig, dude, you're doing enough just letting me stay here. Please. Sleep in your own bed."

"No, take my bed. I insist."

He argued until he was too tired to complain anymore (about 2 minutes of arguing). I carried him up the stairs into bed, tucking him up firmly and grabbing some spare blankets from my wardrobe. Even though it'd barely been a few hours since I'd seen Tweek, I felt so lonely in his absence. I text him instead.

Craig: hey honey :)

Tweek: hey Craig!

Craig: how are you <33

Tweek: so sleepy, but i can't sleep :[

Craig: oh, have you tried a hot drink (like hot chocolate, not coffee.)

Tweek: you could've told me not to drink coffee earlier... ^^

Craig: my bad darling, but seriously, you'll be awake all night with anymore coffee <3

Tweek: thanks for the advice!! im gonna sleep now, bye!
Tweek: I love u <3

Craig: gn honey, i love u 2 <33

Looking at it, we were the perfect image of cliche. But we were happy. I felt my eyelids grow heavy, but I refused to give in to the craving for sleep. Instead, I made toast, coffee and got a glass of milk, watching Red Racer. I missed the days when I could watch Red Racer without being judged. But times changed.

I fell asleep eventually, an empty plate next to me and two half finished drinks on the table.

Kyle woke me the next morning, weary and tired. He begged me to tell Stan not to come today, pleading and crying. Literally crying. Like, actual tears.

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