"Sorry has lost all meaning."

425 9 13

very depressing chapter

title is so true 🤭




Tweek's POV

I don't remember much of what happened. I remember waking up to paramedics, I remember watching them carry Craig downstairs on a stretcher. I remember crying, yelling, lots of apologies. I remember my head hitting the sofa again.

And then dark.


I woke up in Tolkien's car. He was driving us to the hospital where Craig was. I sat up, very quickly, making myself dizzy and sick.

"Where's Craig? What happened? Why the fuck is he in hospital? What the fuck did you do?" That's all I manage to say before Clyde shuts me up.

"He's in the hospital, or, on the way there. He's there because he relapsed, bad. I did something stupid that was meant to be a joke but backfired."

His voice is trembling and he can barely be heard. His throat is raw and painful from crying so much, he can barely whisper.

We arrive at the hospital and are immediately escorted to Craig's room. We were roughly ten minutes behind the ambulance, so he's already be patched up and dressed. His hat is on a chair across the room from his bed. There's blood splatters on the floor. I scrape the chair across the floor and sit next to his bed, clutching his hand.

I don't cry.

I want to. But I don't. I refuse to let myself cry. I have to be strong.

Tolkien stands next to me, hand on my shoulder, eyes full of tears. He blinks rapidly, forcing droplets of salty tears to fall into the floor. Clyde stands back, by the door. He looks like he's about to bolt.

I beckon him closer. He obliges with no hesitation.

"Apologize." I command.

"Tweek I-I'm sorry-"

"No. Sorry has lost all meaning."

Silence films the room. Tolkien's hand falls away from my shoulder. I hear the door open and close.



He doesn't ask. He states it.

I stand up, my body facing him, head bowed.


My voice is low, threatening. He understands the warning.

"I apologize. For everything. And if there is anything I can do tell me."

He nods and scuttles out of the room. The door thumps closed again. I listen to the laboured sound of my lover's breathing.





nice and short, got no inspo or motivation rn but i have peanut butter toast so im gonna write 🙌

love y'all


Suicide prevention line: 116 123

Emergency help: 999/911/000

Domestic abuse: 08082000247

Eating disorder: 0203 918 6340

Childline: 0800 1111

NHS: www.nhs.uk

Kooth: kooth.com

Childline: childline.org.uk

Beat EDs: beateatingdisorders.org.uk

If you need someone to talk to my discord is: unlucky_paz (previously : Topaz<3#7770)

Don't hesitate to reach out if you or someone you know needs help. You're doing great, stay safe <3

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