Diary (i)

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anyways! this bit is kinda a crossover with the new chapter in my Tyde book, kinds smth I'm doing cuz I can


(Nothing gory, just mentions the previous chapter yk)

enjoy and lmk ur ops


Tweek's POV
I walked a very shivery, very cold Craig home. He had stupidly jumped into the icy depths of Starks' pond.

To be fair, I'd told him to, but I hadn't expected him to actually do it.

By the time we got back the sky was darkening. Craig took a long, hot shower, dressed in joggers and a black shirt, with his signature hat, settled on the sofa again and had a conversation with everyone.

Tolkien complained about food, so me and him went to make some. We flicked water at each other and lost track of time trying to make spaghetti. Eventually, we found rouge packets of microwavable pasta instead. We were laughing as we walked back into the front room. But the laughter soon faded when we saw our lovers.

Clyde stood on the back of a sofa, clutching something tightly in his hand. Craig was trying to wrestle it back from him, yelling and swearing.

"Oh look, the audience! Shall we start?"

I glanced at Tolkien, confused. He was looking at me, equally as clueless. Clyde flipped open what seemed to be a journal and held it in front of his face. Craig kept fighting, begging, almost crying.

"25th July: i love tweek soooooo much. i wish we could spend every day together, but we can't, which is sad."

Clyde read. Craig quit fighting and pulled his hat over his face, curling into a ball on the sofa.

"28th July: me and Clyde hung out today. He kept talking about Tolkien which was boring. Sometimes I wish they would just break up. I wonder if me and Tweek are like that."

Tolkien dropped his bowls of pasta, covering his mouth with shock. Clyde persisted.

"Huh? I haven't read this entry."

Craig crawled towards the stairs, disappearing from view. I wanted to chase after him, but I couldn't seem to move.

"September 5th: fuck. Today was really rough, Tweek can't hang out, Clyde and Tolkien already have plans and I am not close enough with anyone else. I feel so alone. I think I might relapse. Might be bad."

"Isn't... Isn't that the date you found him in the bathroom?" Tolkien whispered. I nodded, silent tears rolling down my face. Clyde stopped, closed the book and put it down. He disappeared upstairs to find Craig.

I looked at the mess of pasta at our feet. I placed the bowls I was carrying on the kitchen counter, then returned to help Tolkien clear up.

I picked up the large shards of bowl, and salvaged the forks. I carefully binned the porcelain, put the forks in the bin and grabbed a sweep. We swept the remains into a bin. Tolkien grabbed my hand, squeezing it tight.

"What do you think happened... To provoke all this I mean?"

He sounded scared. I was scared. I shook my head and shrugged. Tolkien dropped my hand and crept up the stairs to check, to know. I curled up into a small ball, pressed against the island, and wept.

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