Warmth and comfort

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Craig's POV
Tweek text me at about 4pm asking me if he could sleepover at mine. It was pretty out of the blue, but I said sure.

I cleaned my room, made my bed, prepared for Tweek to come round.

My parents were out, they had gone to see some distant aunt or someone.

When Tweek got here, at about 5:45pm, his eyes were red and puffy. His voice was hoarse, he had huge eye bags. He was wearing loose jeans and a baggy jumper I had given him long ago. His hair was messier than usual.

"Tweek, baby, are you ok...?"
He nodded tiredly. As he tried to take a step inside, he lost his balance and fell into me.

"Babe... What's going on..?" I whispered softly. He didn't answer. I wasn't going to force him. I put his arm over my shoulders and basically carried him to the kitchen. I sat him at the table and made some toast.

He ate it thankfully. I watched him carefully as he chewed. He was fighting to stay awake, fresh tears were welling in his eyes, his cheek was bruised. He hadn't had any bags or spare clothes on him. His hair was shorter than the last time I had seen him. His nails were bitten.

"Cmon honey, you need some sleep."

I lead him gently to my room and laid him on my bed. I found some spare joggers and asked him to put them on, turning my back so he could change in privacy.

When he was done, I tucked him in tenderly. I kissed his forehead and went to leave.

His voice was cracked and raw. I turned back to face him. I smiled weakly. I settled down next to him, letting him lay his head on my chest. He fell asleep almost instantly. I felt my own eyes droop. The time was barely 6:30.

I sighed and closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.


I was also ill while writing this :P

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