Talk to me (ii)

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Tolkien's POV
Tweek eventually cried himself out. He started to choke and retch, having cried so hard he'd made himself sick. I piggybacked him to the kitchen and sat him on the counter. I found a few pot noodles on Craig's cabinets and started boiling water. I poured a glass of water for Tweek. He sipped it wearily. I poured the water into the pot noodles and waited for them to cook. In the meantime, I went a shook Clyde awake. He groaned and turned from me, trying to hide in the warmth of the blanket.

I pulled at his shoulder, tugging him out of his cocoon. He rolled to face me, eyes barely open. He rubbed them sleepily and grabbed my hand. I kissed the back of his hand and bent next to him.

"Wake up sweetheart. You need to eat and drink."

He shook his head and buried his head back into the pillow. I sighed and let go off his hand. He mumbled something into the pillow.

"Clyde, babe, come to the kitchen. I'll carry you if you want."

He stuck his tongue out at me, but sat up anyway, arms outstretched to be lifted up. A lot of people say Clyde's fat or heavy, but honestly, he really isn't. He's about the same weight as me, maybe slightly heavily, but no where near anything anyone else says. I sighed lovingly and picked him up, bridal style. He chuckled as I pretended to struggle carrying him, but I picked up on the note of sadness in his voice. I stopped pretending and carried him properly, stealing a kiss as we entered the kitchen. He rested his head on my shoulder. I gently placed him on the counter next to Tweek, who was stirring the noodles. He handed Clyde a pot, then offered me one. I took it gratefully. He carried to other two through to the living room. I hopped up next to Clyde and stirred my noodles repeatedly.

I heard distorted voices in the room next door, a hushed conversation between the two. I leant my head on Clyde's shoulder and closed my eyes. When I opened them again, the sky had darkened. The clock on the oven read 21:04. I felt Clyde gently remove the pot of hot noodles from my hand and put it on the counter next to me. He slid off the counter and wrapped his arms around my waist. I winded my arms around his neck, clinging to him as he picked me up and carried me through to the living room. He placed me down on the sofa and slipped under the blanket next to me.

I turned to face him, pressing my forehead to his chest. He rubbed my back reassuringly, whispering into my hair. I felt myself drift away in his arms.

Tweek's POV
I brought Craig his pot noodles. He was already awake, just lying there staring at the wall. I knelt next to him, putting the noodles on the table behind me. I brushed his hair off his forehead and kissed him softly. He smiled, his eyes shifting to look at me.

"Can you sit up?" I whispered, retrieving his food from behind me. He nodded and pulled himself up, patting the seat next to him, inviting me up. I smiled and sat with him, offering the noodles. He took them cautiously and managed a few forkfuls, before handing it back to me. I nodded and put it back on the table.

"Babe?" He murmured, resting his head on my thigh.

"Yes mi amor?"

"I'm sorry."

"Don't worry, it's ok."

"I love you." He declared, voice still quiet and hoarse.

"I love you too." I promised him. I began to twist his hair into tiny braids.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked timidly. He sounded scared to ask.

"I didn't w-wanna worry you... You were s-so stressed.. I just.. I j-just didn't want you to w-worry..."

He rolled onto his back, his head still in my thigh, and took a deep breath in.

"I... I know that my mental health affects everyone, a-and I honestly am trying to get it under control. But I don't want you to think that you can't talk to me because I'm having a bad day, or a bad month, or a bad year." He paused, making sure I was still listening.

"You can always come to me for anything. And 9 times out of 10 I'll be there for you."

I nodded. He ran his fingers through his hair, making it stand up at odd angles. I smiled and kissed his forehead, the tip of his nose, his lips. He pulled away and sat up properly. He winced slightly as the blanket fabric rubbed against his thigh, but he knelt next to me, clapsing my hands. He kissed me against, carefully, hesitantly. I kissed back, anxious. I heard the foot steps of Clyde and pulled away for a second. He nodded at us and layed Tolkien on the sofa, crawling under the blanket with him. I turned back to my lover and opened my arms. He fell into me, arms around my midsection. I held him close, not wanting to ever let go. He mumbled something incoherent and pushed me back onto the sofa. I adjusted and layed more comfortably across the pillows.

Craig crawled further on top of me, resting his head on my chest. I entwined my hands with his hair, playing with it. The light fast faded from the sky. I grabbed the remote from the floor and turned the TV on. I turned the volume down, mindlessly watching whatever nonsense was on the TV.

I began to zone out, filtering out all noise except the steady breathing of my lover and friends. My eyes felt heavy and soon I fell asleep.


Clyde's POV
I must've fallen asleep at some point, because the next thing I remember is waking up as Tolkien tries to climb over me. I roll over onto my back, making him stumble and fall on top of me. I smile bashfully as he rolls his eyes at me. I kiss his cheek and shuffle over so he can climb over, but he stays lying on me for a second.

"Baby, you ok?" I uttered. He groaned into my chest.

"Yeah." He mumbled, dragging himself off of me and onto the floor. I watched him disappear to the bathroom, the bathroom where, mere hours ago, me and Tweek had found Craig. I glanced at him, he was lying on Tweek's chest, breathing steadily, fast asleep. I turned into my side and waited for Tolkien to return.

After a while, the door opened and my lover stepped out, walking back to me. He smiled sweetly when he saw I was awake, and kissed the tip of my nose. He led back on top of me, his head resting in the crook of my neck, his breath hitting my skin. I smiled and kissed the top of his head, my arms wrapping around him. He fell asleep almost instantly. I listened to the low humming of the TV and eventually drifted back to sleep.



y'all do u want part 3 or should I do smth else 😪

also I very much enjoyed writing these chapters and I hope you enjoyed reading them 😍😍

love ya xx

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