"Why didn't you tell me love?"

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If anyone read the last a/n im extremely sorry im having an Emo moment 💔

here's ur chapter lmao

Tweek's POV
I looked Craig dead in the eyes, silently pleading him to drop it, my mouth still agape. He stared back worriedly, unaware of my silent begs. Or prehaps he was aware and just chose to ignore them. Either way, he wasn't helping me.

My voice faltered and the words wouldn't come out. My throat closed fast, leaving me breathless and gasping. Nononononono. Not again. Please not now. Craig held my hand tight and encouraged me to breathe. Not helpful.

But I tried anyway.

I realized I was still stood up, and even though everyone had looked away respectfully, I knew that they were aware. I tried to speak but the words stuck fast. I mouthed 'Please Don't' over and over. No one was listening.

My breathing was still shallow, the room seemed to get smaller at each look. I felt a new pair of hands on my shoulder, someone guide me out the room into the safety of the hallway. They wrapped their arms around me as I sobbed.

"I can't." I choked, repeating the phrase as they rocked me.

"I know. It's ok. I know."

I had no idea who I was crying to. Shame washed over me, but the tears kept coming. I couldn't stop. Eventually, I heard the front door open and close as people left, calling goodbyes to me and who ever was with me.

My breathing began to regulate, the room returned to normal size, the tears began to dry up. Craig stood in front of me, whispering to whoever was holding me. Then, he silently stalked away, leaving no trace that he was ever there.

The panic of a few moments ago returned. I fought against the mystery person next to me, begging to see him, pleading the air not to hurt itself.

"Tweek. Dude, calm down."


His steady, clear voice echoed throughout my head. Alongside countless questions.

Why him?
Where's Craig?
What if he hurts himself.
It's my fault.
Why Kenny?
Does he know?
Oh god he knows doesn't he?
Where's Craig?
I need Craig
Why won't he let go
I need Craig
Where am I
Who am I
What if Craig finds out
Oh god
He probably knows
That's why he left
He knows

Craig's POV

Kenny knew. Why did Kenny know? Of all the people Tweek could've told he told Kenny?

I was hurt, my heart began to crack as though it was made of glass. I could practically hear the crunching as it crumbled away.

Tweek could've told me.

Did he not trust me enough?

What if he was scared because he thought I'd relapse?

Am I the problem?


it's so short but i am so mentally drained

i physically cannot be asked to write any more but i needed to post smth

I'll finish it whenever

Pray for my mental health

ly bye

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