Your broken pieces (ii)

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it has been so long since I did this 💀

anyways for once, no tws 😨😱

just nice wholesome fluff :]



Craig's POV

Tweek was unusually quiet. We were meant to be walking home to Clyde and Tolkien, but I figured they could have some extra alone time for a while. Instead, I dragged Tweek to Stark's Pond. It was deserted, as it had been since Cartman left. No one ever went there anymore, because they didn't need a getaway from anyone.

We sat on the bench, shivering in the frosty sun.

"Babe, are you ok?"

"Hm?" He asked, innocently, not looking at me.

"You can talk to me love."

"I just don't like therapists. Or therapy."


"Are you ok?"

"Mhm, just wasn't expecting the whole 'broken pieces' speech so early."

"... I don't think you have any broken pieces..." He whispered it. Very quiet, almost scared to say it.

I lent my head on his shoulder, watching our breaths mingle in the foggy air. The sun pricked the edges of my vision. I closed my eyes, absorbing everything about my surroundings with closed eyes.

I felt the gentle tug of Tweek playing with my hair, braiding and twisting it gently. I began to drift in his arms, but I was desperate to savour the moment, to savour today. It was a shit day, yes, and everything leading up to this moment was shit, but today, this moment, this instant, was perfect. I loved everything about it.

I opened my eyes slowly and blinked a few times. I glanced up at Tweek, who was already staring down and smiling softly. He was so... Tweek-ish?

I don't know how to describe it. The way his hair stuck out at crazy angles, the way the light hit it to give him a nest of pastel yellow angelic hair. The way his eyes glinted in the sunlight, shining clear and blue. The way the jumper he was wearing clung to him, loose but fitting all at once. The way he smiled that gorgeous grin he reserved specially for me. The way the pale freckles adorned his face, and exaggerated his facial structure. He was just so... So... Perfect.

I melted, the way I had when we had met. I had been so cold and harsh back then. I refused to even consider the possibility of making friends with him, let alone dating him. I owe it to those Asian Girls, they really brought us together. Even after the town left us alone, our friendship only blossomed. He had changed me, in the best way anyone could ever be changed.

I would do anything for that boy. I would kill an angel to see him smile on a bad day, I would fight God if it meant I could wipe the tears from his cheeks and make it all better. If he told me to jump off a cliff I would. If he told me to steal him the moon, I would.

(Despicable Me reference there)

I was so head over heels madly in love with this boy.

I sat up, scooting closer to him and wrapping my arms tightly around him.



"I love you. A lot."

"I love you too. A lot."

"No no. You don't understand. I love you so much, I-... I would do anything for you."





"Jump onto the pond."

Without hesitation, I leapt from my seat and thumped onto the frozen pond. I felt the ice crack beneath me, but I wouldn't move. Not until he told me too. He laughed, covering his smile with his hand. I smiled too, I loved seeing him laugh.

If I could, I'd save the sound, catch it in a jar and admire it. I would capture his smile in my brain and look upon it over and over until I could remember every atom of it.

The ice beneath me groaned and gave way, plunging me into the icy water below. But I didn't care, not as long as Tweek was happy.

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