Stay with me (i)

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I realize that's there a lot of unexplained stuff in other chapters 😪

I'll explain them at the end

p.s. this will be predominantly focussed on Style but obviously Craig and Tweek will still be main characters

also it's very angsty because i can

also sorry again about the last chapters! 😻👍

Craig's POV
I hate Mondays. I hate them even more when Tweek isn't in. He had got sicker, and couldn't physically get up, let alone come to school. At least I had Clyde, Tolkien, Butters, Kenny and Jimmy. No one had seen Kyle since Friday, and Stan refused to talk to anyone.

"I don't know, I reckon he's going back to his emo phase..." Tolkien conspired, glancing in my direction to check I was eating.
"Yeah, but why? What happened?"
"D-d-d-do you th-th-think him and S-stan broke u-u-u-up?" Jimmy suggested.

I wasn't paying attention. Well, I was, but I wasn't. I listened to what they were saying and contributed occasionally, but I wasn't fully there. In my head, I was curled up on my sofa, Tweek in my arms, watching Red Racer. I wanted to go back to that. To when we were kids who were allowed to watch cartoons and be lazy and have sleepovers.

After school, I jogged to my house, changed into some warmer clothes, packed a few bits and headed to Tweek's. He had specifically instructed me to stay away, insisting that he'd infect me and that I'd get sick and die. I ignored him, again.

"C-craig! Go a-away!" He mumbles weakly. I stepped into his room, closing the door behind me and setting my bag in the floor.

"I have some stuff for you," I offered, "Gifts."
I presented a grey jumper from my bag and a packet of Rainbow Drops.
(i feel like Tweek is a rainbow drops guy.)

He sighed, but I could see the smile that crept along his lips.
"Just l-leave them at the door."

Once again, I ignored him, earning a eye roll and a exasperated sigh. I sat on the edge of his bed, placing the gifts gently next to him. He propped himself up on his elbows and tugged my sleeve, pulling me closer. I obliged, slipping under the covers next to him. He leant on my shoulder, eyes shut. I planted kisses on the top of his head, and withing seconds he was asleep. I layed him back onto his pillows and swiftly exited the room, grabbing my bag as I went.

As I approached my house, I saw a familiar figure pounding in the door.

He jumped at my voice, turning to face me. His cheeks were tear stained, hair disheveled, clothes creased. I unlocked my door and invited him inside. The door slammed behind him.

"I-I told them..." He mumbled, voice cracking.
I said nothing, just wrapped my arms around him. I'm not a hugger. The only people I hug are Tweek and Clyde. But this time was different. He looked like a tap on the shoulder would break him, he needed someone to hold him together for a bit. He sobbed into my shoulder, gasping some garbled explanation.

Apparently, from what I could distinguish, his parents hadn't taken it well, they'd locked him in his room, literally, and banned him from seeing Stan. When he'd finally broken out, he had come straight to me.

I lived a good 20 minute walk away from Kyle...


It's so short but I cba and I'm tired. I'll do part 2 tmrw or smth.


1. Tweek passed out because he had the flu, a pretty bad case. I researched, it can happen.

2. The gifts that Craig and Tweek exchanged during the unholy chapters were suggestive pictures of each other.

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