Sleepover (i)

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Tweek's POV
I stared at the invite in my hands. A sleepover? Was it a joke? Is it to make fun of me?

But it was from Craig Tucker. My best friend. He wouldn't do that to me, would he? I twitched anxiously. It was tomorrow, me, him and a few of our other friends. I folded the piece of paper carefully and headed to my room. I began to pace anxiously. He wouldn't make fun of me like that. I knew this. But maybe the others would? Maybe he was only inviting me to make fun of me with the others? Maybe they didn't want me there but they felt bad?

I began to shake nervously. The twitching became worse. I sat on the floor with my back pressed against the bed. I tried the breathing technique that Craig had taught me. I fidgeted with the Fidget Spinner he had got me. It wasn't working.

My hands crept into my hair, I felt them tug until I was left holding a handful of my tangled blonde hair. I felt tears prick my eyes. I refused to cry.

I made myself busy. Cleaning my room, putting my pajamas on, texting Craig.

Tweek: Hey Craig!!

Craig: Hi Tweek :)

Tweek: is the sleepover thing a joke or is it genuine?
Tweek: sorry, that sounded rude

Craig: it didn't sound rude, dw, it's not a joke but if you don't wanna come that's fine <33 or I can uninvite people you don't want around

Tweek: No!! It's fine I was just checking, I was over thinking a bit..

Craig: are you ok honey?? Do you need to rant or anything??

Tweek: No, no!! I'm ok!!

Craig: Alr honey, cya tmrw :))

I still wasn't 100% sure. Craig is nice but he could just be lying... I lay awake for hours and hours, thoughts swirling around my head on repetitive loops.

If I did go, I risked it being a joke. If I didn't go, I risked ruining Craig's mood.

What was I going to do?

Craig's POV
I read and reread my messages with Tweek. He seemed so stressed and panicked.

I thought about running round to his house to check on him, but after much deliberation (with myself) I decided it would stress him out even more if I randomly showed up.

I pulled my pajamas on and crawled into bed. I kept my phone on, in case Tweek text during the night needing something.

My eyelids felt heavy, I fought to stay awake. But I lost the battle and drifted into a peaceful sleep.

*time skip*

My phone buzzed. The dim light illuminated my face as I checked the time.

2:36 am
5 messages from: Tweek <3

Tweek: Craig!!!
Tweek: The sleepover thingy, how many people are going???
Tweek: Will it be really loud?? Or crowded???
Tweek: You're probably asleep
Tweek: Sorry!!!

Craig: It's fine honey <3 It'll just be me, you, Tolkien and Clyde. Maybe Butters too, he hasn't text me back yet
Craig: It won't be really loud or crowded, but if Butters comes then he may invite Kenny.

Tweek: Ok!! Did I wake you up?? I'm sorry if I woke you up!!

Craig: You didn't wake me up, don't worry <33

Tweek: Sorry!!

Tweek goes offline. I put my phone back on my bedside table. I stare at the ceiling. I'm exhausted but something is keeping me awake.

There's a buzzing in my chest, my insides feels mushy. My thoughts swirl uncontrollably.

It eventually dawns on me that I feel warm and fuzzy and that my heart is fluttering.

Holy shit.

I'm falling for Tweek.

End of part 1


in regard to the texting, I know tweek has a stutter while talking but that doesn't need to be carried to the texting to, fight me.

live laugh love 😍😍

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