"Are you even listening?" (ii)

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Craig's POV
Me and Tolkien glanced at each other as we watch Butters and Kenny. They were so in love it was almost sickening. I started to wonder if me and Tweek were like that. It's ok for us though because we're dating so it's not endless pining.

Speaking of Tweek, I turned to check on him. Tolkien started clearing the empty mugs away and picking up rubbish as I pressed my hand to Tweek's forehead. He was warm, but shivering. Tolkien came back and sat next to me, also checking Tweek's temperature. He furrowed his brow.

"He has a fever."
"Congrats Sherlock."
"I hate you Watson."
I smiled at our exchange.
"I need a damp flannel to bring the temperature down and a thin blanket, can you get me those?"
I asked sweetly. I batted my eyelashes at him, making him roll his eyes and pretend to throw up. Tolkien got up to get the requested items. I stared at Butters and Kenny. They were still hugging.

"Cough cough," I said, my voice dripping in sarcasm, "Hate to interrupt your little lovers moment, but we have things to do."

They both blushed furiously and skittered away to do stuff. I grabbed my phone and called Clyde, hoping he'd be able to come over and help out. He answered almost immediately and agreed to come over, so long and he got to play 'doctor'. Honestly, the sexual jokes never ended. Tolkien came back with a flannel and blanket, I took them and nodded thanks.

"Oh, I invited Clyde over by the way. He wants to play doctor." I said, emphasizing the doctor part. I watched him blush and start bashfully mumbling something.

I pressed the damp flannel to Tweek's head, letting Tolkien wrap the blanket around him. There was a knock at the door, I smirked as Tolkien basically tripped over himself to answer. Sure enough, it was Clyde.

Dressed as an effing nurse.

He strutted in, barely paying anyone any attention. Simply smirking at Tolkien. I watched in amusement as Tolkien resisted the urge to drag Clyde upstairs and do God knows what. Butters and Kenny re-emerged from deep in the house, flustered and blushing. They took one look at Clyde and burst out laughing. I smirked and put my focus back on Tweek. A pang of guilt echoed through me as I remembered why he was in this situation.

I was such a shitty boyfriend.

Tolkien's POV
Holy fuck.

It took every ounce of my self control not to drag Clyde upstairs and rip that stupid fucking costume off. The skirt was so short it was more like an extra wide belt, the shirt clung to his body just right, displaying his gorgeous figure and curves. I was mesmerized.

Clyde saw me staring and playfully grabbed my hand, dragging me upstairs. He tugged me into my room and closed the door behind us, smirking. His hands clasped my waist, my arms instinctively wrapped around his neck. I leant in and kissed him.

Ok, so maybe when I went to Clyde's we did a little more than talk. But that isn't relevant.

His hands slipped up my shirt and glided across my bare skin. I pulled away from him and moved my hands to his chest, clutching his skimpy shirt. I threw him onto the bed roughly and pulled my shirt off.

"You gotta be quiet, there's guests downstairs." I murmured, crawling on top of him and kissing his neck.

Craig's POV
(note: ha u thought u were getting smut ‼️‼️)

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