Chapter 38 Sparks

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Umbridge looks like a cat, cornering a mouse. "I figured you two were a part of this!"

 "I figured you two were a part of this!"

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Draco and Blaise appear behind her. Of course they're the ones to help her catch them.

Y/N makes a confused expression. "I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure what you're referring to."

"Well then," She responds. "I'll just have to show you."

The woman stomps past the two of them and Draco grabs onto Sparks, forcing her to follow. Blaise does the same to Ron.

"Let me go."

Malfoy ignores her demands.

The second he forces her into Umbridge's office and she sees the woman with her hands on Potter, Y/N knows they're all screwed. Slytherins dragging in Luna, Ginny, and oddly enough Neville, only assured her.

Cassius is holding Ginny. "Got em all. That one, tried to stop me from takin her. So we brought him too."

Only when the boy motions to Neville does Y/N realize that Goyle's restraining him like a rabid animal. Prick. She tries to get out of Draco's grasp, but he's too strong.

"Good Good." Umbridge smiles. "It looks like Hogwarts will soon be a Weasley-free zone, doesn't it?"

The voice behind Sparks laughs and she elbows him in the stomach.

Harry looks mortified, like a deer in headlights. Hermione looks like she could be ill, Ron pissed, Neville's all the above, Ginny could kill someone with that look on her face, and Luna.. Well Luna's fine, but she's so unhinged that she might not even realize what's going on.

As Delores sits down in that tacky pink leather seat with all those kitten plates behind her, she looks at her captives like the devil.

"So, Potter, you stationed lookouts around my office and sent this buffoon" She nods to Ron. "to tell me the poltergeist  was wreaking havoc in the Transfiguration department when I knew perfectly well that he was busy smearing ink on the eyepieces of all the school telescopes - Mr Filch having just informed me so."

"Clearly it was important for you to talk to someone. Was it Albus Dumbledore? Or the half-breed, Hagrid? I doubt it was Minerva McGonagall, I hear she's still too ill to talk to anyone."

Y/N can feel the frustration in all her friend's minds. The anger. But none of it can ever compare to the pure rage and hatred going into Harry's thoughts.

The sound of forming clouds seems to echo through the air.

"It's none of your business who I spoke to."

Her face tightens. "Very well, I offered you a chance to tell me freely. I only have one alternative, go fetch Professor Snape, Cassius."

Like an errand boy, he hands Ginny to Crabbe and leaves the room. And suddenly Sparks begins to feel her liking for him to vanish. As if it had never existed. Gone.

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