Chapter 27 Something In The Air

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"Why? We are looking at the worst Quidditch season in ages, so what's the point."

Angelina gives Y/N a disconcerted look. "The point is that we don't have to just accept defeat. With hard work, we could win the cup!"

She rolls her eyes. "Johnson you would have to be Hellen freaking Keller to believe we have a shot in hell, winning this year."


"Sloper and Kirke are horrendous. And try as he might, Weasley is letting his anxiety get the best of him."

"Which is why we need you! You are one of the team's best players and we need you ready if we want to not leave this season with our tails between our legs."

She can't believe the girl's obsessiveness. "You do realize it's Valentine's day, right? I wanted to go to Hogsmeade with Draco, today."

Angelina pushes. " I do, but I don't care. You can kiss your boyfriend tonight, but for now, you need to help me figure out this team. We are dealing with four new players this season and you and Katie are the only ones I have to aid. So get off your ass and do what you signed up for."

Y/N rolls her eyes as the girl walks away, slamming her bag against the ground.

"She's just stressed.." Bell mutters.

"I don't give a crap, I have given a hundred and ten percent into this team and suddenly I'm the bad guy for wanting one day to spend with Malfoy. One day! It is not on me to get the new players into shape, it's hers."

The girl puts her hand on Sparks' arm. "You're right, but so is she. Our team is a mess and we need to put in more effort than ever. This isn't going to work out if we aren't united as a team."

She sighs. "Fine, but only because me and him are gonna be celebrating one year soon anyways."

The two girls finish tying their boots and make their way out of the change room.

The two girls finish tying their boots and make their way out of the change room

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Y/N catches the pass thrown from Angelina. "Thanks."

She speeds down the Quidditch pitch, appearing as only a blurb to someone standing at the side. Her hair flies behind her and she goes as fast as possible.

It's a sunny day out, so it is a good time to be practicing, however that also makes it a good day to venture to Hogsmeade. But it is what it is. Draco an her will just have to wait till tonight to meet up. The grass and the other plants surrounding the school are started to turn green and bloom. This means that Herbology will be all the better, now that the greenhouses are better to use.


She passes the ball up to Bell, who goes on to pitch it through one of the goal hoops. Her score is anything but happy, seeing as Ron was meant to block said throw. But hopefully it's more of a reflection on her skill than it is on his.

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