Finale Notes

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So, that was the end of Part 5 of The Forgotten Witch.

I'm going to starts with this whole installment before I get into the end of it.

The Order Of The Phoenix has some really dark themes to it and I felt that this part had to match that. It includes murder, t0rture, and other grim topics that are hard to digest. I'd like it noted that I myself have not experienced these things in my life, so I work off of my own research about trauma and how people react to such things.

With that being said, Y/N Sparks is a character that I've written over this past year and a half. I wanted to try and show how she'd respond to these events in her life and how her mental health would take a toll. Without saying it directly, Sparks was shown to have an anxiety problem. She was a victim to the Cruciatus curse in the Goblet of Fire and that left an everlasting effect. And the effect made itself more apparent when she went to detention with Umbridge, who would torture students as punishment. I think it was important to show that this would bring back the feelings left over from that.

Moving away from that, I think I should talk about her relationship with Draco. So, they broke up. I've known from the beginning of writing this series that Sparks and Malfoy was going to be a thing. I explained why they got together in my notes of the Goblet of Fire, but I'd like to correct myself. I called the two of them enemies to lovers, but that's not true. When I look back on this series, Y/N and Draco weren't ever enemies. Sure, they had a disliking for each other, but neither cared about the other enough to hate. So after some time, they both realized that and became friends. Malfoy and the Slytherins were Y/N's getaway from the all the "hero" stuff going on with her friends. In this installment, I introduced to Slytherin parties which were, big. I did that because I see the Slytherin students as people who chase the feeling of freedom. So giant, "Euphoria-style" parties made sense. The reason I made the relationship with Draco end is because I felt that at this point, he is not mature enough to keep a relationship with her. He doesn't see things the same way that she does, so they start fighting until the relationship collapses

The last thing I'm going to talk about is Sierra and Daniel. Yeah, they're dead. As you could tell from the ending, they both get killed in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. I realize it's a cliche that the main character's parents are dead, but this makes sense for the story. The reality is that this is a war and there are casualties. I've known that Y/N's parents were gonna die from the second that I wrote the second installment. It was just a matter of when. So I hope you can understand why the things that have happened happened and that you keep reading.

I'd like to acknowledge that this installment's chapter releases were all over the place. I know, I'm sorry, but that's life. I just started college and my TikTok's taken the same hit. I'm trying my best to keep a schedule, but that's not easy.

The next story coming is "The Forgotten Witch in A Summer On The Dark Side (A Harry Potter Story) Part. 6"

It should be up before the end of the month.

What'll happen next? Who knows!

I hope you've enjoyed the story so far and look forward to seeing what happens next.

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