Chapter 28 Wreckage

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Y/N walks into the Gryffindor common room, feeling both baffled and frustrated by what just happened on the Quidditch Pitch

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Y/N walks into the Gryffindor common room, feeling both baffled and frustrated by what just happened on the Quidditch Pitch.

"Hey! You did amazing."

She doesn't look to Hermione. "We lost."

"Well yeah.." The girl admits. "But you yourself were amazing. I mean, just because you didn't win doesn't mean you as a player did poorly."

"I j-... I cannot believe it. We lost, to Hufflepuff.. And not because of an incident like last time where a player was attacked, but because of that, bitch."

A hand lands on her shoulder. "Don't. You're a Prefect, the younger students shouldn't hear you speak ill of a professor."

Sparks runs her hands through her hair. "I-... I can't do this, I need to go."

"Go where."


On her way out of the dorm, she bumps into Harry. He gives her a nod and she returns the favor, signaling to each other that what just went on wasn't good, but they don't need to talk about it. It's been a lot of that recently, as if the two are speaking into each other's minds, telling the other what's happening without a single noise.

That other night, Potter asked Y/N if she could help him with Occlumency. He asked her to try and look into his head, but she had to tell him the truth. That she isn't advised to, nor is she capable of helping him. He understood after she explained it to him, but he seemed a bit disappointed that he'd have to continue lessons with Snape. She's upset that she can't help him. That he has to go through the excruciatingly exhausting process of it at all. But more so that he has to do it with someone he has true spite towards.


A Few Days Later

"Have you seen this?!"

Y/N looks over to Daphne and nods at the Quibbler copy. "Of course I have, everyone has."

Greengrass opens it and looks at the pages. "He's got quite the nerve to do something like this. I have to admit, I applaud his boldness."

She smiles. "Harry's just doing what's right, people deserve to know. And besides, maybe people will stop asking him things all the time now that this is out."

"Still, this won't go over with well with a lot of people."

"He knows, the day the copies arrived to Hogwarts, so did a bunch of letters to him. All the raving reviews to all the scolding ones were read. Some people just can't accept the truth. Plus, I thi-"

"No no, not just that. Haven't you seen the new signs?"

Y/N looks the girl directly in the eyes. "What signs?"

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