Chapter 11 Everyone

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I hate the fact that I'm even writing this fact, but Delores Umbridge has been appointed High Inquisitor at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. She has the authority to examine the teachers and essentially expel them from their positions. The worst part is that it came with no warning at all. We just read it on the front page of the Daily Prophet. At this point I feel like I could be ill. How did we get to this point? Why does everything have to be this way? Since last June, everything is horrible and everyone is acting horrendously. Perhaps it's always been this way and I've just been blind to the prejudice acts and terrible people. And now that I know, I'm unable to do a single thing to change any of it. I mean, I know what should be done and what the right thing is, but I feel both incapable and... like I'm lacking the want to do anything. I wrote back to my fa-



She puts down the notebook as Hermione walks into the room and lies down under her blanket, not wanting to leave.

Her friend walks over so that she can look her in the eyes. "You need to get out of bed."

"I'd rather not."

"Oh come on, you've already missed breakfast."

"Well, I wasn't hungry."

Hermione looks her dead in the eyes, trying to observe the truth out of her. "Y/N Sparks, for as long as I have known you, you have never not been hungry at breakfast time."

She rolls her eyes. "Is this supposed to make me want to get up?"

The girl nods. "Yes, we have Potions in like half an hour and you take at least half that to get ready. Then it's a long walk down to the classroom."

Y/N pulls the cover over her head. "Hermione, I don't want to get up."


"Because everyone and everything is pointlessly horrible

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"Because everyone and everything is pointlessly horrible."

"Not everything."

She feels the blanket ripped off of her and it immediately pisses her off. "Hey!"

Hermione's lost it. "Alright, get up. There'll be no more of this cynical attitude. You will go to class and you will show the world that you are amazing. So get dressed and get the hell out of this room!"

At this point, there's no point in fighting.

Y/N stands up and walks over to the wardrobe, three meters away from the bed. She opens the doors to it and gazes upon all the clothes, hanging from the horizontal pole. Maybe it sounds a bit ridiculous, but she doesn't know what to wear. And if she's being honest, she really wants to get back into that bed.

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